Monday, January 16, 2006

Al Gore Rocks!

Al Gore rocks my frickin world...
never did I ever think that formally bland unfunny guy would make me all tingly inside...
if you didn't catch his MLK speech today, I invite.. nay.. beseech you to check it out.. it's much better if you can catch it on CSPAN or on the net.. but the text of it is linked HERE

it's is about damned time that someone called congress on their shit..
my favorite part

I call upon Democratic and Republican members of Congress today to uphold your oath of office and defend the Constitution. Stop going along to get along. Start acting like the independent and co-equal branch of government you're supposed to be.

hell yeah Al, you tell em!
It's about time that someone said this.. I've been impatiently waiting.. writing my representatives.. begging that they do what we elected them to do.. no response..

I know that it's a sign of the apocolypse when Al Gore, and the man behind the impeachment of Bill Clinton, Bob Barr.. former representative from round these parts..agree on something.. well.. the end is near..
at least an end to this corrupt administration I am hoping..

btw.. did anyone hear New Orleans mayor Ray Nagin's comments during MLK celebrations today? He has officially lost his frickin mind...
read nagin's comments here
he's lost it...