Tuesday, January 03, 2006

back to life...back to reality

well.. the holidays are over..
I've been in and out of bed since last friday with some sort of head cold/sinus infection that has been particularly miserable.. New years eve was spent on the couch watching movies and then Dick Clark, rockin in the new year.. a part of me was a little sad to see such an Icon be so shaken after having had his stroke.. His speech was so slurred it was hard to understand at times.. but Kudos Dick.. for comin back strong.. The man who never seemed to have aged, finally has.. it just made me a little sad..
We had big plans for our three day weekend.. none of it happened. we did watch "the 40 year old virgin, bewitched and Elektra" on DVD over the weekend.. I enjoyed each of them in different ways.. I do think it was difficult to watch nicole kidman in the role of samantha.. something about nicole kidman doing a fun light silly role just didn't work for me. Jim Carey would have been a better choice for Darrin.. Shirley Maclaine as Endora was perfect casting though.. and steve carell did a pretty fair paul lynde/uncle arthur..

Elektra.. was pretty cool.. I don't think it could have possibly lived up to the hype that was created before it came out.. but it was a great ass kickin movie.. and come on .. jennifer garner in red leather.. who wouldn't like that!?
I have to admit.. I am fond of jennifer garner.. not in a wanna throw her down on a bed kinda way.. she's just cute.. I mean.. she IS hot.. but she's adorable in that person you wanna have coffee with kinda way.. or something like that..

I liked the "40 year old virgin" but I really don't get all the acclaim it got.. American Pie was much better IMHO as a cult sex movie.. It was ok.. but I just didn't get it..

anyway.. hope everyone is having a great new year thus far.. I'm just trying to get through the week with my 50 lb head :)