Sunday, December 04, 2005

she's my seeeeeester!

so I wanted to share this picture cause.. well it's cute..
there ya have my big sister..that's her on the left... (or seester as I like to call her) when I was a baby, she took care of me for some reason.. it wasn't that my mother didn't.. my sister just wanted to.. my mother woke up at a feeding time and found my sister.. holding me and me suckin on a bottle.. She was always lookin out for me....
through the years we've had our moments.. We didn't always like each other.. we always loved each other, but I think each of us didn't understand the other much in our younger years.. When we became adults, we got closer.. we talk on the phone weekly now sometimes a few times a week depending on our schedules.. and I have started this small weird tradition of singing into her answering machine.. come on.. anyone can just leave a phone message.. I will rework the lyrics of songs and leave them on her machine.. a different one every time.. my favorite is my version of tom jones' "she's a lady"
"she's got style she's got grace she's got such a pretty face she's muh seester!"
What can I say.. it makes me laugh.. she never knows what kind of message I'm gonna leave..
so here's to ya seester.. I'm glad that I learned to appreciate the person that you are and even if ya could pick your family (cause you know they say you can't) I would still pick you....warts and all (just an expression.. she is actually wart-less as far as I know!)
Just wanted to let ya know I love ya!