Sunday, November 13, 2005

Oh I'm a lumberjack and I'm ok..

oh come on you all remember the song!??
so if you go back in the archives some of you will remember the big tree incident with my next door neighbor.. see the original post and photos here

well.. for the past week, my best friend and her trusty sidekick have been cutting up the felled trees.. the plan? rent a log splitter from the local homo depot and spend the day splitting firewood.
so friday night butter and a couple of friends went to pick it up, so that we would have it bright and early, and we wouldn't have to fight the regular saturday morning depot crowds.. We had invited several people over to have a "firewood splitting party" so, here's the "just barely started photo"

and here is one further down the driveway the logs on the left side of the page are the ones on the right side of the first picture.. so it's the second wall sort of..

We had a great group who worked well together.. some toting wood, some loading the splitter, I was the designated button pusher for much of the day as I can't really do a lot of lifting.. but everyone was doing a great job even our four legged helper was toting wood!
Thanks to everyone who came out and lent a hand, back, muscle.. everything. it was truly appreciated..
here is the after photo

what an incredible amount of wood.. I can't believe how much wood there was.. I mean I knew there would be a lot.. but wow.. lot's of friends.. at the end of the day, everyone was exhausted. but it was a good kind of tired.. and we will probably have firewood for the next two to three years.. easily.....
we had a great day.. cept for my losing my wallet somewhere between the grocery store and the house.. we looked everywhere.. and it's just gone.. fortunately there wasn't anything major in there.. so it's just replacing a few cards.. but it's still upsetting to not be able to find it..
and what does a group of lumberjacks do after a hard day of cutting wood?
karaoke of course!
one of our lumberjacks was celebrating a birthday, so even though we were all exhausted we went out, had a drink and did a little singing.. it's wasn't an extremely late night.. but it was fun!
no alarm set today though.. we slept till noon... but it was definitely a good weekend.. I will have more photos of the actual lumberjacks after I upload them..
so be lookin out for those!
hope everyone had a great weekend!

Edited to add, photos from the lumberjacking event have now been uploaded to the sidebar.. enjoy