Thursday, December 08, 2005

angel tree

Tonight boo and I made a midnight shopping run for our angel..
Every year our station sponsors a group home and we pick a child to try to help have a good christmas.. In years past there were no real suggestions to go on except size.. this year they actually listed suggestions for what the children wanted, which was great..
So off we went with our list in hand.. I had told boo that to I would rather spend money on the child then get presents myself.. Christmas is for children.. I don't need anything really.. and even though I'm sure boo has plenty of stuff planned for me to open it just isn't that important to me in the grand scheme..
I wonder sometimes if it isn't part of me feels like had I not been adopted, what would my life have been like.. I can't imagine being a 4 year old living in some sort of home with no family at christmas.. but I very well could have been.
So, we went a little overboard with the presents, but hopefully it will make for a good christmas for our angel.. a couple of new dresses for church with some boots, some educational leap frog books, and some toys.. and some other random stuff.
lots of little presents for a little one to tear open on christmas morning..
It's a weird thing.. but it makes me happy to do it..

The decorations at the house will hopefully get put up this weekend.. the weather has been crappy here so I'm hoping it will clear up! We are going to the new Georgia Aquarium if you haven't seen it or heard about it yet, check out the web site.. it is phenomenal!!!! I can't wait.. boo got a special sneak peek before it opened, so this will be her second time.. but it's my first and I can't wait! I love the otters!
So one more day of work and off to the aquarium!
hope everyone has a great weekend planned!
peace out!