Thursday, December 22, 2005


Today we spent the second day visiting with boo's bro and sister-in-law and our niece and nephew..
OK, I know everyone thinks their kids and grandkids are like the cutest kids in the world. but well... even though I am more than slightly biased.. Our nephew is the most adorable little boy that ever was... :)
he is so cute I just can't stand it.. and our niece, who we just met but is about 3 months old, well.. she's a cutie as well.. she's just starting to develop a bit of personality where her expressions change.. she likes to talk.. well ok coo.. but it is cute..
I feel bad, cause I know that packin up two kids, and not being in your house, and having all of these people around, must be difficult for the sleep schedules and just schedules in general, but I am so glad that we are able to spend some quality time. Since boo doesn't really ever see her other nieces, I know how much it means to her to be a part of their lives. Even if it hasn't been as much as she may have wanted.. I really think it is a great thing.. and well.. heck I love kids.. and these kids make it hard not to love them.. Who could resist a two year old saying "aunt ewizabeff, I need to find something to put in the front loader to dump into the dump truck.. can you help me?" ( he has a tremendous vocabulary and sentence structure.. really!) So biscuit spent a LOT of time on the floor digging holes for swimming pools, and playing with trucks.. It was the most fun I have had in quite a while.. and I can't wait to get up again tomorrow and do it all over again..
I REALLY can't wait for christmas morning..
I hope to get back up to posting on a more regular basis once my work schedule smooths out a bit in january.. thanks to all who have been checking to make sure I was all right.. everything is great.. just insanely busy!

Oh.. btw .. went to see a musician named Sarah Bettens perform last weekend.. I first heard of Sarah, when she and her brother formed the band K's Choice and they opened for the indigo girls..(two kids all the way from belgium) I really enjoy sarah's voice, and her songwriting.. and I encourage you to check out her new solo project "Scream"
I hope that you will enjoy it as much as we have..
ok.. time for me to hit the hay....