Tuesday, September 12, 2006

If I could put time in a bottle

Time travel.. it’s something everyone has probably thought about.. but I actually experienced it last week, as the signal from my daily staple DAVE FM’s RADIO FREE LUNCH slowly faded into the distance it happened. (insert weird wayne’s world music here”
I was taken back instantly 20 years as I flipped through the dial on my radio station in north Florida.. I heard Rod Stewart, the Pointer Sisters, Tina Turner, and “Johnny Cougar” Mellancamp.. surely it was just one bad station.. I continued searching..
Lionel Ritchie, Kenny Loggins, and the Bee Gees.. the list goes on and on..
There was not ONE decent radio station all the way into Central Florida.. I thought perhaps when I got near UF, I would at least get a rippin college type station… well if it was there, I couldn’t find it.. County music was totally current on all stations I switched to… but there was not one Adult Contemporary station that was even in this decade, being that it was not a planned trip, I had one mix cassette tape with me, since I just got this car, I haven’t had time to outfit it with XM or even a decent CD player yet (oh but I will soon !) So fortunately I was able to listen to the Dixie Chicks, Pink, Sarah Bettens and Cathy Richardson, to remind myself that it was still 2006!
The funniest part of this is on the way back just after I had sent a friend the following text message, “on the road again”…. The very next song on the AC station was…… you guessed it….. Willie Nelson.. OTRA.. I was just amused as hell..
So, blogpals, if you are driving in north florida.. PLEASE!!! Make sure you have some decent music with you.. don’t say I didn’t warn you!