Sunday, December 17, 2006

we are family

Our visit to florida was turned upside down with a 1 am call to 911 when my visiting uncle (who was fine a couple hours before) fell ill. 2 DAYS in the ER later.. and finally a room available, we find out he has a pulmonary embolism. We are very fortunate that it didn't happen on the plane, and that they were able to find it in time.. But what was supposed to be a kinda veggin out with the family trip turned into running across town several times a day and trips to the hospital. We went down to visit with them, and were gonna do it wherever they happened to be, even if it meant the ER. He is now resting and on massive blood thinners as they try to get it to dissipate.. In our travels, we came across some fun stuff. including the house that I posted a picture of from my camera phone.. here are some better photos of the display.

see the creepy santa photos continued on the post below