Friday, April 08, 2005

A ceremony of Love

5 years ago today
I walked down an aisle
In a church
With the one that I love

In front of our friends
And family
We stood
We vowed
To love
In sickness
In health
For richer
For poorer
For better
For worse
Death will not part us..
We will find each other again
Looking down that aisle as the song began
I cried
Never thinking this day would ever come
That I would find the person I was meant to be with
But I did
And I am
And we are

The mothers lighting a candle
That signified our unity
Our bond
My sister, the person I was most afraid of telling my secret
Stood by me
Gave me to my new family
Embraced my loved one into ours
My father standing proud

1825 days later
We have loved
We have honored
There has been sickness
and the realities of life..

Yet we remain

Happy Anniversary Boo.. You mean more to me
than words could ever convey
You are my heart
You are my life.