Monday, March 21, 2005

Terri Schiavo.. human pawn in a big game of chess

First let me say that I feel for the schindler family.. I do..
I don't know what motivates michael schiavo..
I don't know why he will not simply just sign terri over to the custody of her parents.. I would.. if it were me.. That being said.
Terri Schiavo has become a pawn in the pro life abortion movement, whose arms reach all the way to the congress of these united states and into the white house and it is absolutely inconceivable why the govt would get involved in a case that has already had its due process. Yes, I believe she deserves to live.. But I also don't think congress has a right to intervene. They called a special session to sign a bill that deals with one specific person, when there are thousands like her all over this country that no one has taken up the cause for.
I don't care what doctors say she won't feel her own starvation, it is wrong to let her starve to death. In the same time that the congress stood fighting for the "rights" of this woman, they should have also lobbied for assisted suicide, or euthanasia for human beings. but they won't..
It's not legal in this country to starve a dog, yet we are ok doing that to a person? We can't let someone who is cognizant make their own decision to end their own life, but we are willing to let the government step in and play god and decide who lives, and in essence, who dies, because there are people dying.. they just aren't named terri schiavo..
today Mr. Bush said in a written statement: "I will
continue to stand on the side of those defending life for all Americans,
including those with disabilities."

what about all of those people he put to death in texas.. oh yeah.. they were criminals.. well.. most of them probably... what about all of the soldiers who have died fighting a war he lied about? oh yeah.. saddam is a bad man..

Truth is.. it's payback time..

time to pay back all of the religious conservatives that helped get him re-elected. time to make good on some of that glad handing.. The anti abortion movement has made terri schiavo their pet cause, and with that all the power and backing that comes with the religious conservatives.. michael schiavo doesn't have a chance in hell.
But then again, I wonder what exactly his motivations are.. When terri first had her incident, he vowed to fight till the end.. kinda like OJ looking for the killers or Ron and Nicole.. but then he moved on with his life.. michael that it.. and well OJ too... he got a settlement from the hospital (does he collect only after she is deceased?) and got himself a new woman in his life, which he cannot marry presumeable until his wife is dead.. it's a tangled little web, but involving congress sets up a dangerous precedent of future Hatfield and McCoy issues.. And sadly anyone who thinks the same way that I do, based purely on that fact, is labeled uncaring.. Democrats who voted against "terri's bill" are being called nasty names.. and the fight rages on.

I am glad that I have a living will.. and so does my partner. And when HIPPA passed and dad was in the hospital, it was painfully difficult to get anyone to answer any questions, even though he didn't really understand what was going on, now he has one as well, everyone should have one..

Do you?