Thursday, March 17, 2005 of one..

So, I found out today that my seretonin levels are off..
which could explain why I haven't been feeling quite myself..
they tell me..
I'm depressed..
why should I be depressed.. life is good. my spine repaired, my love life great.. my family.. wonderful..
it's physiological.. apparently.. this thing..
more blood...more pills.. more bills.. more pills..
I'm tired..
more blood..
I miss my dog..maybe I feel guilty.. look there another tear..
why couldn't they help her.. why did she have to go away..
all neat in a little box..
I miss her.. though I try not to think about it..
it just makes me sad
I have her collar hanging in my truck.. maybe I should put it away
but I don't want to..
I feel bad for the other dog too.. the one that is left.. the one that is now alone, staring out the window.. looking for her friend.. she isn't coming back..
I killed her..
I didn't want to.. I tried everything not to..
but I did..
and I miss her.. terribly....