Monday, May 08, 2006

the elusive girl

well.. I had hoped to post some good news here..

last friday, emmy nominations came out.. I had passed the last round where they decide what goes in for the judging .. it wasn't anything I did by myself.. it was a group effort.. but it wasn't to be..
I've been hoping for another one for a long time.. so my little trophy sits all by its lonesome.. waiting for the day a mate will come along....(those angel wings are sharp too.. I once had a dream that I stabbed someone that had broken into my house with them.)

In other news.. this weekend was great fun.. we went out for cinco de mayo to our favorite mexican place, a former 50's diner that was taken over by the mexican place.. but they didn't redo the decor.. so we call it the mexican 50's diner.
unfortunately there was a rather long wait.. so since we were meeting friends, and we were all hungry... we opted for the next best place.. an irish pub.. nothing like celebrating cinco de mayo at an irish pub!
Saturday it was football!
and sunday was cards and billiards with our neighbors.. and off to see our lil girl sunday night.. she is cuter by the day!
It was a great weekend of friends and hugs and love..
what could be better.. certainly no trophy..