Sunday, July 17, 2005

Spin Doctors

Like the soap opera that it is.. the Karl Rove saga continues..
I've been listening to all differing opinions on the subject from different media outlest like CNN, Fox (faux) news, Air America Radio and talk radio in general ..
Of course all the talk is about partisan politics.. and how the "bad democrats" are screaming for rove's head on a platter when he has done nothing wrong.
But the fact of the matter is.. Karl Rove, through his attorneys, has admitted that he is the source of the leak in the CIA agent Judy Plame case.. let me just say that again.....HE HAS ADMITTED THAT HE WAS THE SOURCE OF THE INFORMATION. He told matt cooper it was ok for him to tell the investigating body that he was the source for matt's story ..
and now the spin begins....
Originally, GW and the white house denied that any member of their staff had anything to do with leaking her name. Then they said that if it was determined that the person worked within the white house, they would "no longer be a member of this administation".
Now they are saying that pres. Bush never said he would fire the responsible party.. Excuse me? Have any of you been watching television lately? There are video and audio clips out there from months ago that specifically state that very fact. In one instance a reporter asks pres. bush if he stands by his statement that if the leak came from someone within his administration would he fire that person. To which Bush replies "yes".
Scott Mclellan must be just chugging maalox and going through a tub of Tums this week as he tows the party line. "We can't comment on an ongoing investigation."
He must really hate having to stand up before the media these days, because they are doggin him hard.. as well they should be.

Karl Rove has admitted he was the leak, and I ask you has he not committed a crime?
is he not guilty of treason?

Article 3 section 3 of the Constitution states:

Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court.

The Congress shall have Power to declare the Punishment of Treason, but no Attainder of Treason shall work Corruption of Blood, or Forfeiture except during the Life of the Person attainted.

Valerie Plame was an undercover agent for the CIA who was investigating WMD's..
now follow me here.. If she is investigating what we claim to be the enemy (iraq) and Karl Rove identifies her to the media as a CIA operative, effectively shutting down whatever investigation she was doing.. well isn't that giving aid and comfort to the enemy? Karl Rove helped the enemy by naming an operative who was investigating them.. sounds like treason to me..

Now they are saying that and aide of Dick Cheney might possibly be the other source that they have been talking about.. so just how deep does this go?
Karl Rove runs washington.. So if the leak was Karl Rove, it may as well been GW himself..

Of course, nothing will happen with any of this, because the only ones who can bring charges against anyone for treason, is Congress, and we all know who is controlling that.
It just boils me to no end that they investigated Clinton for years on every possible front.. and finally the only thing they could get him on was a blow job. And this administration breaks the law, shows favoritism to companies they are affiliated with, LIES to the american people as to why we are going to war.. and NO ONE CAN GET ANYTHING DONE TO HAVE THEM THROWN OUT ON THEIR ASSES!
Faux news this morning was completely cracking me up about how the bad democrats jumped the gun on asking for rove's head on a platter, cause now they are saying that rove didn't actually say it, he had heard it in the media.. whatever...
Like I am believing any of the spin..
Personally I think they are all criminals and should all be tried in the Hague.
I want my country back from these war mongering criminals..
I wish someone would take them down.. I'm not saying clinton was perfect.. but billions of dollars were spent investigating this man.. to what end? well nothing basically..
So I will continue to watch the Rove situation with much interest.. and hope that others do the same.. don't just believe what they tell you.. They Lied to us before.. why wouldn't they do it again....