Thursday, February 09, 2006

Terror Plot my ass

Wow.. how transparent this administration is..
yet again when they are faced with mounting distrust..
questions about illegal wiretaping.. Scooter libby, abramoff, Mike brown on the stand tomorrow.. and basically going down in flames on a daily basis......
Well.. they "declassify" papers stating that they effectively stopped a terror plot against the (liberty tower?) in Los Angeles.. (I've heard it called several different names.. not sure which is correct at the moment)
They were going to use shoe bombs to take over the cockpits and fly the planes into the building..
Does anyone else besides me think this is a load of shit?
Bush has the nerve to get up in front of a crowd of people and lie.. he's done it before.. why would we think he is telling the truth.. AND if they did break up a plot.. why are we only NOW hearing about it? Only now.. when bush is struggling for air.. do we hear about the good thing that has been done..

Stir up the fear.. Stir up the anxiety.. YOUR govt is keeping you safe ... seeeeeeee.. we NEED to wiretap.. to keep you safe..

somebody get some lysol.. it STINKS in here!