Thursday, July 21, 2005


ok we've all seen the commercial by now..
the honey bunches of oats commercial where the woman pops out from behind a wall and asks
"are you Hongry" ( and that's how she says it too.. I ain't kiddin)
then they go on to talk about the beauty that is honey bunches of oats..
a little later in the commercial she says
"it's like a mouth full of joy!~"
I confess..
I LOVE this woman.. she makes me laugh and smile every time I see this commercial.. I don't know if she's an actress or if she really works at the plant.. but I love her.. this is the second round of commercials she has been in and well I'm so happy..

this is my attempt to lighten things up around here a bit.. in addition to the "what kind of rocker are you" test cause really my IQ score was just too sad on current events...

Butter is all signed up for the first semester of law school.. man they aren't joking when they accept you.. it's like BOOM you start in 3 weeks!
My girls (and as I should note. my girls are my football team, not my breasts as someone has suggested.. otherwise the rest of this post is gonna be funny..)
are leaving at 2am for the trip to new york for the football conference championships.. I wish it was already saturday.. I can't wait to hear the game.. it's streaming live on the net so we are gonna listen to it and have a ball!
I wish I could go.. but it is not to be.. I am saving it for the championships on august 6th so they know they have to win on saturday.. I told them.. my aunt in maine is expecting me on august 7th.. so we better get there.. (you don't wanna piss off my aunt)
The georgia Equality project has started putting billboards around the state with photos of people next to phrases like "I teach your children...and I am gay" we are your neighbors....
"I protect you...and I am gay... we are your neighbors....
"I take care of you...and I am gay... we are your neighbors....
It's a bold move..for the people involved, as I'm guessing some dumb assed country bumpkin would likely off one of those people than know that they had a gay neighbor... but on the other hand I could be wrong..
I commend those people who were willing to be blown up to billboard size on the side of a highway..
I want one that says.. "I edit your commercials.. and I'm gay.. actually I would prefer it to say "and I'm a big ol queer" but I know that's too much to ask... :)
I've yet to see the actual billboards out.. but I've seen the mockup.. very cool....
and when was the last time you opened a fortune cookie and actually got a fortune?
I opened one just now and it said "smile if you like this fortune cookie"
what the hell?
I can't remember the last time I actually got a real fortune..
I must have pissed off the fortune cookie gods.. the next one I opened didn't have a fortune in it at all..
ok this one is "you can't ride in all directions at one time"
isn't that more a warning?
oh well.. I'm out of fortune cookies...
so what have we learned here..
~my brain is overwhelmed with the status of our country and I needed a break..
~I love the honey bunches of oats gal..
~I'm a chick rocker
~my girl is all signed up for school
~my girls are hitting the road ( if you pray.. say a small one that they arrive safely in NYC)
~I want a billboard
~and fortune cookies really aren't..
I think that about covers it for this evening..