Wednesday, July 20, 2005

eenie meenie miney moe

So Mr. Queef has picked his supreme court nominee..
John Roberts..
no relation to Julia I am guessing.
this guy is Anti everything
I was listening to Mike Malloy last night and he was running down a bunch of different cases this guy has heard in his brief career..
anti abortion
anti envronment
anti the people
anti gay
anti everything..

he is for corporations he ruled on a case regarding mining companies and this case kinds showed it all.. he didn't care what the people living below had to deal with.. didn't care about the environment and did what the big boys wanted.. ( basically they were cutting off the tops of mountains to mine them.. and it caused all kinds of problem)

so it will be interesting to see what happens with this guy.. don't like him..
don't like mr. queef..
and apparently mrs queef holds no power at all in suggesting that he nominate a woman..
unless there is something mr. roberts isn't telling us..

ick.. I need a shower now.. something about anything these guys do make me feel dirty and want a shower.....