Tuesday, July 19, 2005

here's to good friends

My wife called me on the phone today in tears..
happy tears.. but tears..
seems a friend that she hadn't heard from in over a year emailed her today to get together sometime soon.
She was so happy she cried..
Life is hard sometimes.. people lose touch.. people don't have time.. but I felt so bad for her when she was trying to figure out what had happened to this friendship she had since college.. she was shaken.. and I didn't know what to say other than it was probably something going on in that person's life that made it just too busy for them to deal..
turns out that was the case.. a sigh of relief..
We missed her.. we miss her..
We are glad that she is back.. digging out of that first year of teaching and able to reconnect with people..
Here's to good friends..
may time never stop you from reconnecting, even though you may think people have forgotten about you..
chances are they haven't..
I am the master of calling someone I haven't spoken to in quite some time just to say hello.. There are people in my life that I don't talk to for a couple years, but we check in.. and when we do it's like we picked up from where we left off..
I try to do better about it and sometimes I do for a while.. but they all know me and they know that they can call me and I can call them and we are still tight.. of course it ends up being a long conversation trying to catch up.. but we've gotten it down to a science.. how are the kids.. how's the hunny (SO) how's the job..
and then to the generalities..
Personally I feel better checking in, even if I haven't spoken to someone, than to wonder how someone is doing..
So, check in with someone you miss today..
you'll be glad you did