Sunday, August 28, 2005

a childhood tagging

Came back from the weekend to find that I have been tagged.. which is good, cause I had nothing to write about at the moment.. so here we go.. play along if you like

1. J

2& 3 shellyandangie

4. Crakerillo

5. Biscuit

And now......
Drumroll please......

The Question: What 5 things do you miss about your childhood?

1. I miss living in New England, and all that goes with it.. days at the coast, great spring fed lakes.. and family camps at said lakes..
2. I miss holidays and sunday dinners with my family (saturday night bean supper on saturday for any of you who know what I am talking about!)
3. I miss snow ( I know I am crazy.. but it rarely snows here
4. I miss playing kickball, and hide and go seek and going out on a summer day to explore, picking wild raspberries and blueberries and staying out all day long until mom called us for dinner. Basically just miss being a kid..
5. Mostly I just miss my family and spending time with them whenever possible.

Lois Lane