Monday, August 15, 2005


ok.. this one's for Rosie.. just cuz we luv ya.. and cause I'm tired of people attacking you on your own blog.

my name is biscuit and I am FAT


I'm claiming the word back and giving it a new meaning..


So y'all keep screaming fat all you want.. we all know what it REALLY means!
George bush belongs in jail.. he is no better than the man who shot up the courthouse or anyone else behind bars.. if it was good enough for Martha.. it's good enough for a "man" ( I use that word laughingly) who has committed treason and sent our sons and daughters to their deaths. and now the neighbor is annoyed with the protestors so he starts shooting shotguns in the air? what the hell is wrong with that man.. oh wait.. he's a neighbor of GW.. must be like minded.

GW can't go out and speak to cindy Sheehan, but he can go biking with lance? He can call a press conference to say how sad he is for those people who have lost loved ones but can't walk out his fucking front door to speak to one of them.
shame on him.
Be a fricking human being.. if that is even possible for him... qweefs aren't human are they?

it confounds me how so many people are clueless or perhaps they just don't care about what is going on around them..
I can't understand as I listen to other people who feel the same as I do, why we cant get the bastard out of office.. what is it going to take!?? anyone have an answer for me?
cause I am at a loss..

oh yeah.. and I am FAT!