Thursday, August 04, 2005

Barnes and Noble University

Barnes and noble has the coolest thing.. it's an online course catalogue to enrich your lives and help them sell books!
Today I signed up for Forensics with Court TV
and Money Management for Women (cause that can't be a bad thing!)
You too can enrich your life and buy some books by going to the B&N web site and clicking on the BNU icon..
I have always been fascinated by forensics, it was the career that I was headed in before I found this one. the abundance of criminal investigation shows on TV right now, both drama and actual documentary type stuff is amazing to me.. I can watch till the wee hours of the morning (last night I watched psychic detectives which was also pretty cool! )
So it's a free 4 week class.. I'm thinking there is no diploma at the end or cap and gown.. but hey it's something new.. they've got all kinds of stuff too.. introduction to wine, writing romance novels, all kinds of stuff.. liberal arts, personal growth and a really cool class based on the book Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee
focusing on the experience of American Indian tribes from 1860 to 1890. I might take that one next time.. don't wanna overload.
So check it out.. you might find something you are interested in!

we are still counting down to game day.. will keep you posted!
off to do some work now..