Sunday, July 31, 2005

getting to know youuuuuuu

Got this from the lovely and talented Anne T.B.. as a way to get to know each other better

In my world people call me Biscuit, pumpkin(my daddydoes) and many other nicknames

I believe that family is the most important thing in life.

I love my wife more than anything in the world.

I am adopted.. I met my birth mother about 5 years ago.. we chat often

My biological brother is also gay

I started dyeing my hair recently to cover up the gray

I work in television

I rarely drink alcohol.

I also believe caller ID is a wonderful invention.

I love to garden

I check my E-mail first thing each morning and most afternoons and before I go to bed.. I think I need to enroll in a program..

My main liquid is diet coke

I need to lose more weight

I have a problem with clutter

We bought our house cause we fell in love with the ROCK'N fireplace..

I used to be a great photographer.. haven't done it seriously in quite some time..

I love to cook

I too suck at poker.

I don't sleep much even though I love to..

I know the nick at night schedule by heart because of the above fact.

we have a wall of family photos that is about 20 feet long and covered in photos..

I call my sister "seester" and sing her songs when I leave her messages on her answering machine.. cause it's more fun than just leaving a message.. (at least for me.. different songs each time.. I make up lyrics.. today it was "sunshine on my seester makes me happy....sunshine on my seester makes me smile...." you get the idea.. there is also the tom jones "she's a lady.. that I will share another time.

I want to be a clean freak.

I am horrendously allergic to any biting insect, as a child, I looked like a leper many summers and wouldn't wear shorts.

I have an Emmy Award

I am scared to get the call that tells me my parents have passed away.

I love the Carpenters.. and always have.. to the amusement of others.... Karen Carpenter was a goddess!

I too have no tolerance for people who lie,
cheat on their spouses, or sleep around.

I used to be a doormat

I can't balance a checkbook.

I miss my dog

I want to learn how to create stained glass pieces

I don't have the patience to read books

I love blogging and reading blogs

I drive an old pickup truck

I am a weather junkie.. once stood outside in an ice storm to watch trees fall and look at all the ice...

I used to have a cat named snoopy who though she was a dog.

I edited a full length music video that you used to be able to buy on the internet but is now out of print.

My friends are more like my family.

I'm glad that my partner's parents have invited me into their lives and I enjoy spending time with them.

I can't fold shirts worth a darn

I have a wild hair on my face that I have to trim often.

and finally..

I hate to shop..