Thursday, July 28, 2005

safe driving workshop

don't worry.. no parallel parking here..
but after the story about the horrible accident yesterday, I thought I would give you the tips that our car car clinic instructor gave on the news last night..
Most of it is common sense but the second one I hadn't ever given a second thought to.. I always try to stay out of the outer lanes..

1. Know what's around you
2. Stay out of the center lane at all cost... the emergency lanes and shoulder provide an automatic escape route..
3. distraction slows reaction no phone call or CD is worth slamming into the back of a ton of steel and bursting into flames.
4. know the "NO ZONE" basically that little sticker on the back of most 18 wheelers that say "If you can't see my mirrors, I can't see you." apparently it's true..

another news station had a guy on who said basically
If you find yourself in a situation between two tractor trailers and someone slams on the brakes, it's best to brake and evade, or swerve.. hopefully most people around you will be trying to avoid the situation as well, so an accident with a car in an adjacent lane is much better than getting smushed.

Just be aware... I try to stay away from tractor trailers at all costs.. I don't like them, I never know what they are gonna do.. defensive driving is the key..
and be aware of your surroundings may sound like common sense. but it might just keep you alive..

peace and safety