Thursday, July 28, 2005

sigh of relief and random musings

all is good.. I am going to get to go and see my girls play in the national championship football game..
everything worked out just as it should have..
There was an absolutely horrific car accident here today.. one car.. maybe two got crushed in between two semi trucks, when someone ahead of them stopped short..
the car(s) instantly burst into flames.. It was just horrible..
Whoever was in that car never had a chance.. All I can do is hope that it was quick and painless. It was so bad that the coroner just followed the car to the impound lot to see what they could figure out.. We couldn't even figure out what kind of car or truck it was.. it looked like it may have been an SUV. I just can't describe it.
I don't like driving near semi trucks.. I stay away from them as much as possible, and certainly wouldn't get in between two of them. They just scare me.. Sometimes they drive so fast and are so close to you that you can't even make out their headlights in your own rear view mirror. there is no way that they could stop if they had too.
There is an article (in the online version an excerpt from the article) in Harper's magazine about Christians in America.. it's called "the christian paradox; how a faithful nation gets Jesus wrong."
It's definitely interesting.. I'm gonna go out and get the magazine so I can read the whole thing.
We did a story a couple days ago about new mosquito repellants.. I was all excited cause it was talking about the stuff I got from the passamaquoddy indians in maine and have been using.. it's all natural and smells great.. called buzz off
check it out.. I shoulda put some on before I went outside when the tree guy was here.. I got eaten alive!
It has been so hot here.. I mean I know they call it HOTlanta.. but this is ridiculous.. it's like we moved to florida and no one told us.. cept we don't get the daily rainstorm at 4 in the afternoon that cools everything down..
the haze was so bad today you couldn't see the downtown skyline.. It is unbearable.. I feel bad for anyone who has to work outside in this.. It's just so miserable.
Here's hopin it rains soon.. it's supposed to in the next couple days..
We got some movies of our precicous little nephew a few days ago.. he is absolutely adorable.. the first was his masterful effort to eat cheerios out of a bowl with a spoon.. of course he mastered it.. and had this little grin on his face after he pulled the spoon out of his mouth.. not like a big grin just a lil something..
the other was showing us how much mommy and daddy loved him.. "this much" pointing to his hand.. it was cute..
So, off to get some work done..
Hope everyone is well.. and keep a good thought for Sarah as she continues to fight.. I check her sisters and partner's blog to see how she is doing a couple times a day.. I'm willin my fight to her.. if you haven't checked out her family's blog.. here is the link
sarah's family

oh.. I've been looking around for that info on iraq and the torture of children.. I'm finding stuff back to 2004 talking about this.. I was listening to a "best of" randi rhodes, so maybe it was an old show.. still disgusting.. and hopfuly not being done now.. but at some point it was happening..
Y'all have a great thursday.. I've got some tivo to catch up on while I work..