Monday, August 01, 2005 name is....

whew.. it's been a long day.. takin a break from work to blog for a minute and get my head clear....
I've been gathering biographical info on all of my girls all week and had to put a package together that included background info and stats.. which doesn't really sound all that complicated.. but it was quite a task.. I am exhausted.. the radio commentaters need as much background on them as possible for color commentary, since they don't really know our team.
But it's almost all done.. just waiting for the stragglers to turn in their info.. If I don't get it by 5pm tomorrow.. heads are gonna roll.. they were supposed to get it to me by last friday.. but well.. I guess they just didn't think it was going to take me two days to collate and organize stuff on like 50 people.. cause.. well.. I don't have a life or nuthin...!!!
butter and I watched a couple movies today while I was working on it.. "Ice Princess" (she loves disney.. and I have become a fan as well.) and Miss Congeniality 2 .. which was quite funny. I loved Diedrich Bader as the fashion consultant..

hope everyone had a wonderful weekend..
tick tock..tick tock.. T minus 6 days to the championship!!!!