Wednesday, August 03, 2005

For Sarah

In this weird blogging world, we come across people thousands of miles away that we've never even met. Yet we share in their lives, struggles and victories..
Our ring of bloggers has been praying for and keeping good thoughts for our blog friend Sarah, who was struggling after massive chemo and an infection.
Sarah walked into her new life on tuesday.. leaving behind a very loving partner and a great loving wonderful family, and some really caring blog friends ( among many other people I'm sure).. A big ole cyber hug to everyone.. and some M&M's in honor of one who brought us all together in this way..
here is a song that I have always loved.. and when it's my time.. I hope that someone remembers that and has it blaring from a sound system somewhere..
Peace out Sarah.. You fought a good fight...

I Will Remember You
Amy Grant

I will be walking one day
Down a street far away
And see a face in the crowd and smile
Knowing how you made me laugh
Hearing sweet echoes of you from the past
I will remember you.

Look in my eyes while you’re near
Tell me what’s happening here
See that I don’t want to say good-bye
Our love is frozen in time
I’ll be your champion and you’ll be mine
I will remember
I will remember you.

Later on
When this fire is an ember
Later on
When the night’s not so tender
Given time
Though it’s hard to remember darlin’
I will be holding
I’ll still be holding to you
I will remember you.

So many years come and gone
And yet the memory is strong
One word we never could learn
True love is frozen in time
I’ll be your champion and you’ll be mine
I will remember you
So please remember
I will remember you
I will remember you
I will remember you
I will remember you.