Monday, August 29, 2005


The outrage that I felt over the weekend when I first heard this story is just unbelievable.. Imagine.. this could be ANY of us..
Faux news (Fox News for those who aren't aware of my changing the names of things I don't like) contributor John Loftus for some inexplicable reason, went on the air and gave out the address of a terrorist living in Alhambra California..
Only problem is.. he DIDN'T DO THE RESEARCH!~!!!
There was no terrorist living at 123 main street (not the real address btw) and the family that does live in that house has been terrorized by "patriotic americans" ever since, and is now under police protection cause they are afraid to go to sleep at night.. someone already spray painted the word "terrist" ( spelled incorrectly.. cause well.. someone apparently is stooooopid)
Both Faux News and Loftus have issued a written apology to the family.... um.. big frickin deal.. I think what they ought to do is make Loftus live in the house for a month with no police protection and see how he likes being the object of patriotic american fervor!
How lazy and sloppy for anyone to give out someone's address on the airwaves... and even if you were planning on doing that.. at least have the frickin sense to check it out first.. apparently the actual terrorist person he was speaking of never even lived nearby...
So now this family is in fear of their lives.. and all they get is an "I'm sorry"
Oh hell no.. they need to be held accountable for the actions of someone speaking on their news program.. I'm not one to be sue happy.. but that family should sue the living hell out of faux news and lofton and the FCC should be investigating. This is far more serious that showing Janets left boob on national television..