Monday, September 26, 2005

Cindy Sheehan arrested and Pet Evacuation Petition

This afternoon I read the news..
Cindy Sheehan was arrested for standing outside the white house..
for standing in front of the white house?
isn't the white house the house of the people? Don't people stand out in front of the white house all day long?
Is it only because she is a known anti war protestor that they have taken her to jail?
For asking a simple question of our commander in chief?
"For what noble cause did my son die.?"
She isn't a threat, hasn't been violent.. hasn't even been that vocal.. but yet they found it necessary to haul her ass into jail.. and let her sit in handcuffs for hours..

On another note..
there is a petition going around regarding a bill they are trying to put through the Legislature to evacuate pets along with people in catastrophic events like the Hurricanes of the past month. Many people wouldn't leave their pets behind, so they stayed, and some of them died.. To save their beloved pets.
so if you have a second, please head over to the site listed below to sign the petition..
Pet Petition