Thursday, September 08, 2005

and so it begins..

We will never really know how many people have died as a result of hurricane Katrina.. homes and bodies have been washed into the gulf.. alligators now roam freely where people once did.. but the biggest reason we will never know..

Have you SEEN the latest death tolls? 83 people have died in louisiana 196 in Mississippi..

are you frickin kidding me?

New Orleans has ordered 25 thousand body bags....

FEMA and government officials are now turning away journalists from going into areas they deem unacceptable. Hell the media was there before FEMA even thought about being there..
First they don't respond.. then they do...sorta.. yesterday they state that they don't want photos or videos taken of dead bodies out of (cough cough.. ) "respect"
and now they are turning away journalists?
Me thinks me smells something.. and it isn't the stench of the big easy..
They don't want the media there because they DON"T WANT the american people to see just how badly they screwed up..
read Brian williams blog HERE
scroll down to yesterday's blog to see how police officers raised their guns at reporters.
Photos today on CNN from someone who was inside the superdome or the convention center.. of bodies.. bludgeoned.. tossed aside.. the first photos of what was a living hell for those inside it.

if you haven't heard Dick Cheney's press conference from today.. oh go listen.. he is describing what a good job they have all done.. and how the locals have told them that they are so happy with what a good job they have done.. just after he says this.. one of those locals strolled upon the scene and yelled out "GO FUCK YOURSELF MR. CHENEY.. GO FUCK YOURSELF!" this man is now my hero.. and the reporter who asked the follow up question.. "do you get that alot mr. vice president"
as soon as I find a clip of it I will post it.. cause you simply must hear it!
I spoke to a friend today who has been down in louisiana helping out.. the people there are living in tent cities in the parking lots of Kmarts and walmarts.. they have nothing.. not only do they need food and clothing.. they need tools.. they need hammers, hacksaws, plastic sheeting.. tarps.. tents.. nails wood.. anything to make a shelter.. she described how these tent cities have created a sort of neighborhood situation.. where child care was happening so that people could go out and try to find where their home used to be. it's an incredible story of life, continuing on in the face of a government who is not helping them.
She's a good egg that friend of mine.. I fear for her mental health after what she has seen.. she's a strong person and I'm sure that she will be ok.. but these are things that no one should have to be a witness to. no one.
but the way things are going.. our own governement is probably going to try to pretend that it never even happened.. or that it wasn't as bad as we all know that it was.. it's disgusting.
and his ridiculous response.. "first time I've heard it" apparently wherever he has been hiding.. it's got soundproof walls..