Wednesday, September 07, 2005

More unbelievable efforts on the part of the Bush administration

the headline that I saw on AOL when I logged on read
Federal Government Seeks to Block Photos of Dead

and I instantly got that sinking feeling again.. Let me just say that I am way more sensitive to people having to see their loved ones dead, in any situation. I deal with that on a daily basis.. or at least did..
However, this smacks of this administration once again trying to spin things.. they DON'T WANT PEOPLE TO KNOW HOW MANY PEOPLE HAVE DIED IN THIS CATASTROPHE.
and believe this..
it has NOTHING to do with anyone in that administration trying to be sensitive to anyone's feelings.. if they were so worried about people's feelings.. they would have gotten off their asses and gotten in there to help them.
this is ALL about spin..
and it sickens me even more.
the administration also didn't want photos of flag draped caskets coming back from iraq published... and one photographer got in serious trouble because of it.. and again, I believe that it wasn't about sensitivity.. it was about not wanting the american people to know how many american soldiers had been killed. seeing flag draped caskets coming back en masse.. certainly wouldn't look good to ole president qweef..
sure people are still talking about te heinous mismanagement of this disaster.. but why aren't someone's feet being held to the fire.. will this administration ever take AN?Y responsibility for ANYthing it has done..
Randi is right.. this tragedy in the gulf coast is negligent homicide.. and those who are found to be at fault should be charged with such.. times how many ever people died.
Wake up America.. wake the fuck up.