Sunday, March 12, 2006

I'm baaaaaack

hello blogland!
we pulled into the big rock earlier tonight after a bit of a crazy week.. Everyone in Butter's family seems to be doing ok.. and we left from there to go and visit my parents in Florida and spend a day with "the mouse" we went to the animal kingdom and for dinner we went to mediviel times.. where they do the fighting and jousting and stuff! you have to eat with your hands.. and cheer for a certain color costumed knight.. it was quite fun.. though we ended up spending hours chatting with mom.. we were up till 4 am almost every night catching up.. so we need a vacation from a vacation.. so to speak.
Anyway.. if you get a chance.. fo visit Ross the intern's blog he's quite funny an I am enjoying it tremendously.
I'll check back in this week.. but just wanted everyone to know that all is well under the rock.. peace all