Sunday, June 04, 2006

Run Al......Run

That was my best Forrest Gump impersonaltion.

Today, news came out that Al Gore has said that he isn't running in 2008. He hasn't completely ruled it out.. but has "found other ways to serve" Feeling the best use of his time is educating people about Global Warming.

I have heard that so many people have left the theatres after watching Al Gore's movie about global warming called "An Inconvenient Truth" saying things like "man I wish he had been my president".
To me, Al Gore is our one true hope in more ways than one. I believe that he can set this country on the right path again, not only fiscally, and morally, but also with regard to our dependence on foreign oil. He is both a strong leader and a wonderful teacher. He has a LOT to teach us about what we are doing to mother earth. I honestly believe that we have got to do something about how we are abusing the planet.. and I think Al Gore would be a wonderful person to set us on the right path, and be able to create change from the oval office for all Americans.

Jimmy Carter started a wonderful Solar program when he was in office, it was abandoned and the solar panels that had been placed on the White House were torn down by the incoming administration. Which to me sets the tone for how Republicans feel about alternative energies. They believe they are trash, something to be thrown away.

I hope Al Gore Changes his mind. He is the Democrats strongest candidate, and more importantly he is the man with a plan to keep our country from killing the planet. and to me, that is the bigger issue. We have got to leave this earth a better place for our children and their children.
I certainly don't want to envision our nieces and nephews and grandchildren having to walk around with bubbles around their heads because the air is unfit to breathe.. but that is where we are heading.. believe it or not.. it's true..

The Hurricanes of last year are a stong indication of how things are going, and we saw what those storms did. We are in trouble people.. and Al Gore may be the one man who can help us get out of it..

I urge each of you to find out where "An Inconvenient Truth" is playing in your area and go out and see the film. It is an important film for all of us.