Tuesday, June 20, 2006

the tooth fairy

I'm sittin here a little after 10pm watching anderson cooper and showin butter the clips of the week from "Days of our Lives" which included abe kickin tek's ass!
bright and early tomorrow morning I head over to the oral surgeon's office to have a tooth extracted.
I am more than a little nervous.
I've never had a tooth pulled.. this one is in bad shape.. it should have been pulled before now, but my regular dentist wanted to put a crown on it. When they described how they needed to cut out some bone and some other weird stuff in order to get the crown to stay on, I opted to just have it taken out. It's the last tooth on the lower right side.. Unfortunately because of all the pain meds I have been on for such an extended time, I can't have regular novacaine.. so I have to be put under, which I suppose is a good thing.. cause I am scared shitless. I have no desire to feel, hear or otherwise be a part of them pullin a tooth. I've had nightmares about it all week.
I've not been a big fan of the dentist since once, a long time ago with that probe kind of tool a dentist got a hole of part of my gum and didn't know it. and tore it up real good.. ever since then the dentist has been a white knuckle experience for me.
So I had all these questions about if I needed to be on antibiotics beforehand with the back surgery (I was told no) and how bad it's gonna feel afterwards.. etc..
So, keep your fingers crossed. I know it doesnt' seem like all that big a deal to have a tooth pulled but it's the little things that make me nervous as hell...
will have some lovely pictures to post of my swollen chipmunk cheek tomorrow or thursday!
peace out peeps!


I'm home.. all is ok.. though I feel like my head has been run over by a truck a couple of times. been sleeping off and on.. (about to be on..) and I am starving but can't eat anything.
talk to ya later peeps..