first and foremost, thank you all for your good wishes, prayers and concern over my recent tumble.. Everything has checked out OK, and with the exception of some bruising and soreness. I should be as normal as I ever was in no time!
Just another fun little story to add to the list to tell the kids some day..
one time.. mommy was on the potty. and fell down go boom.
I swear that damn commercial was playin in my head on the way down..
"I've fallen.. and I can't get up"
now on to the other (YAWN) snews of the day.. yes.. tonight the runaway bride got the rest of her 15 minutes of fame.. lets just hope her time is up. There was no explainging of things.. just more "I don't know" I'm sick.. "maybe someday they will stop calling me the runaway bride and use my name....jennifer..or call me friend....."
Granted I am all for therapy (<-waves to therapist in case she's reading) but WTF?
I honestly don't believe this woman is as mental as they claim she is..
I think that she is a spotlight hound.. she made some comment about wishing Katie was interviewing her for winning american idol instead of why she was there... well.. did she even TRY out for American Idol? Can the runaway bride even carry a tune? these are questions I have! dammit!
I'm going to rewatch the interview later cause granted I only caught bits and pieces of it.. but it was nothing more than a slick PR move designed to get her some sympathy.. well.. sorry sistah.. If you are TRULY sorry for your actions, you would have had some better answers than I don't know.. you've been in therapy for over a month, surely you have figured something out..
And she wants to serve out her community service working in nursing.. say what????!
If I see that woman comin near me at any hospital I am running, or wheeling or whatever it takes to get the hell outta there.. If she can't take care of herself, how can she possibly be expected to take care of anyone else? Let her make macaroni necklaces for a little while longer and then send her out to pick up trash on the side of the road..
She may be nuts.. but not in the way that we think she is.. she is manipulating the entire system. and making a buttload of money out of it.. people like her make me ill.
Lots of people are asking what the deal is with the fiancee and why he hasn't run fast and far away from her.. but I can understand that.. if he takes off now a lot of people will understand why but a lot of people will complain that he left her in a vulnerable mental state. So he can't win..
They definitely broke the mold when they made that woman.. or at least let's hope they did..
And on a happy note.. YAY to the folks out in Utah who found missing boy scout Brennan Hawkins alive and well.. and desperate to get back to playing some video games!
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