Sunday, June 12, 2005

Family Reunion 2005

blackshear from water
Originally uploaded by atlbiscuit.

back from a 2 day retreat to beautiful lake blackshear.. well it would have been beautiful if it hadn't been for Arlene..
I have never seen so much freakin rain..
It rained and rained and then when it stopped it rained some more.. fortunately we had some of the cutest kids in the world to keep us company..
I've had a crappy couple of weeks with the weather the way it's been, so another shot in the hip on friday with some extra special muscle relaxants mixed in.. and I was in dreamland for most of friday..
It was a weekend of eating and drinking and trying to remember the names of all of my wife's family members that I've met once.. They have all been really wonderful, and I like them all a whole lot..
more on the events of the weekend later.. but for now it's time for QAF and then a shower and bed.. chasing one and a half year olds is tiring (but great fun!)