Friday, May 27, 2005

arms length emotions

For the past 29 hours or so, a man has been perched atop a crane in the middle of buckhead.. threatening to jump.. Businesses are shut down.. roads are closed.. and there he sits.. now by crane I am talking one of those big ole construction cranes that they hoist on top of a building to build skyscraper-esque buildings..
standard routine.. lookie loos from below yelling for the guy to jump..
oh.. did I mention he's an alleged murderer?
From what I've heard, he killed a woman in florida and fled here.. went up to the construction crew, told them he had already committed one crime and to get out of his way.. and up the crane he went..

I am mesmerized..

Part of me says.. hey if he wants to end it.. let him.. but another part of me knows that the family of the woman he allegedly killed will have no closure of justice..
this afternoon I thought.. maybe they could shoot him with a tranquilizer dart when he is on the platform part of the crane.. this brought back memories of the bear.. perhaps you have seen it.. a bear climbs up a telephone pole.. they tranq him and he hits the transformer, falling to the ground in a shower of sparks... the bear wasn't hurt.. cept for maybe his pride....
He has that part of the city completely shut down.. businesses are losing so much money because people can't get there.. traffic is a nightmare.. How long can they possibly keep everyone at a standstill like this??
In this job I have had for well over a decade, I have learned to keep my emotions at arms length.. If I got really upset over every news story I have heard, I would be bouncing off a rubber wall locked in a room somewhere.. so we may seem cold or callous about things, but well.. that's how we do it.. There are those stories that just can't help but get to you.. but a guy on a crane isn't it.
some people say that those of us who cover the news have a twisted sense of humor.. I would have to agree.. and I think that it comes from seeing so much bad stuff and having to process it the best way we can..
So now we wait.. we wait for him to come down.. or fall down..
and we wait for the runaway bride to turn herself in.. all this and a three day weekend coming... I can't wait..
Now I am going to load the new landscaping software that I got and see if I can make my yard look spectacular.. my yard was overgrown with english ivy, it had been neglected well before we bought the place, but since I hadn't been able to do all that much, it kinda stayed that way.. two days ago we hired a bulldozer to come in and tear it all out! It's a completely different yard from what we thought it was.. we are definitely going to have some erosion issues.. but we are planning to terrace it out so that it looks cool and can actually be a functional yard.
here goes.....