Thursday, April 28, 2005

Reality TV..VH1.. and weasels

Reality TV
I love it..
From the Surreal life to AI to Survivor..
I am a reality tv whore..
The arguments are out there, that reality tv takes away from the working actors
Because networks are relying more and more on reality and less on scripted programming
But lets be real, the offerings that they have given us in the way of programming are well,
Lame at best.. I tried to like “the office” I really did.. but unfortunately when we Americans try to take a british program and Americanize it, the humor just doesn’t work.. it happens time and time again ( remember the last show.. “coupling”?)
So, rock and roll’s Constantine went down in a blaze of glory..
It wasn’t his time..
Simon told Scott to pack his bags..
He should have been the one to go home..
Not my rock and roller boy..
I’m not worried though, his band already has a record contract..
He will go far..
Probably further than being an American idol would ever take him..
Good luck Constantine..

So I am waiting for Survivor to come on..
Waiting to see what will happen to Stephanie..
Will she be able to change up the game?
Or will she go home..
Will have to wait cause shrub is on TV talking about social insecurity..
The weasel as I like to call him..
I can’t stand to listen to him speak.. cause inevitably he will laugh..
Heh heh heh
His evil little laugh..
The only good thing about him getting re-elected (if you wanna call it that, since he was never elected the first time to begin with) is that he can’t run again..
Of course he will leave the country in horrendous debt and needing life support, but he will be gone.
I pray that someone better will take his place.
It’s time a woman was in power.. we would not be in the state we are in if a woman was in power.. anyone but condi rice.. she scares me.. she is a puppet of the big weasel..
High ho high ho, it’s time for them to go.

Now on to eric
Back during the time when I was a struggling student in LA,
I used to watch VH1 all the time..
I tuned in to watch this hysterical woman veejay
Every day she would introduce herself as some musician and have a chat..
Sometime around the time of “dirty dancing” ( no one puts baby in a corner.. dammit!)
We were introduced to a singer named Eric Carmen.
With each video his hair got more and more ridiculous..
Every day for a couple of weeks, this VJ would crack on his silly hair..
I would tune in to see what she said that day..
And I would laugh.. and laugh
Fast forward to the mid 90’s
AOL had just become mildly popular..
I was an insomniac who worked nights, I would go online and chat with women till all hours.
There was a little chat room in aol called “Women’s Space” it was mostly where all the lesbians hung out.. we would talk about anything and everything.. One night they were talking about this VJ now turned actress.
So I started talking about Eric Carmen..
I got an IM from this person asking me if I was someone named Julie ( I think that was the persons name, but can’t really remember) who used to write letters about Eric Carmen and I assume his hair.
I said no, that wasn’t me but told her my name and that I worked in Atlanta in television.. and I chatted with this person, never knowing if they were who they said they were, but hey it was like 2 or 3 in the morning and I had someone to chat with.. so what the heck.. I was happy.. it’s the little things sometimes.. and if you have ever come home to an empty house late at night with no one to talk to, well, a chat room at the time was my link to the outside world.
I was told something that day that made me think that I was speaking to this person, only because at the time it wasn’t common knowledge, and it was an upcoming project that a few weeks later was announced. Before the conversation was over I told her that if she was ever in Atlanta to be sure to come by for an interview.. ( or a beverage!)
I never told anyone the non public information that I was told that night, I was honored to have been confided in.
I can only assume that’s who it was.. though I never really knew for sure.
I never spoke to the woman again, but was always happy that I had been able to chat with them for just a moment.. about something so silly as Eric Carmen’s hair.
So that is my cryptic little Eric Carmen had really bad hair story..
If I wrongly assumed I spoke to someone that I didn’t.. well that’s cool.. someone was just F-ckn with me.. either way I had a nice conversation with someone for a little while.. regardless of who they might have been. and no, I don't think that this person will remember the interaction, it has always just been a fun memory even if I may have been played..
So anyway..
In the news this week
A woman vanished..
Went for a jog and never came home…
She was supposed to get married this Saturday
500 guests
no bride..
I fear what has happened to her.. and I hope to god she just got cold feet and ran off.. but it’s looking more and more like she didn’t.. I can only imagine what that family is going through. I thought about getting the football team together to help volunteer to look 40 something pairs of eyes could be useful.. but today they weren’t using volunteers at first..
It’s been a very sad week here news wise..
A 2 yr old and a 3 year old wandered away from home last weekend..
They found them both drowned..
I wondered if one of them fell in and the other somehow tried to help..
They tried to blame the parents.. but 3 year olds can disappear in the blink of an eye..
They had escaped the day before and the parents went out and bought extra locks for the doors..
They never had a chance to put them on ….sad

Tribal council is happening now..
It’s not looking good 3 votes steph..

Steph is going home.. :(:(:(:(:(
Now I don’t care who wins..
I don’t even care to watch I think..
I am very emotional at the moment.. maybe I will change my mind..
I doubt it..

it's been a bad week for everyone I like on my reality TV shows..
and last week's L word was really lame.. oh now I'm just annoyed..

I'm really proud of Steph.. she went farther than I think even she thought she would.. good on ya
and of constantine too.. he fought the good fight..