Spring has ACHOOOOOO Sprung!
Oh the beauty of spring.. tulips, Irises, dogwoods, azaleas... all of the wonderful things about spring come with one little tiny problem.. POLLEN!!!
For the past week I have been mainlining Claritin, benadryl, flonase, Tylenol.. anything to get me through the day where my eyes water and my head feels like someone is squeezing it in a vise.
THIS is what I am talkin about!
You can feel it in searing your throat when you breathe.. you can feel it in your eyes..
now sure, you are saying.. hey... it's just a little pollen.. well consider that according to the atlanta allergy center.. a "high" rating is at 150 pollen particles per cubic meter of air..
today's count?
I sure don't know how long this is going to last, but I am prayin for rain soon.. EVERYONE, and I mean everyone, pets included.. is miserable.. we've even had to give our dog benadryl cause she is rubbin at her eyes constantly and they are tearing so badly it's leaving stains on her face.
I have NEVER had problems with allergies, I remember my cousins running off once a week to get an allergy shot when we were kids.. I could eat anything, do anything.. never ever had a problem.. till I moved here.. It wasn't really a big deal, a couple times a year I would take some allergy stuff and be fine.. It is SO bad that I didn't want to even go outside yesterday.
So, while I am happy that winter is over, and that spring is here.. I could do without this high pollen count.. it's makin everyone quite cranky!