Thursday, June 30, 2005

Paaak thu Caaaaa

Ok so if you have ever read my profile.. you will notice a slight change.. in that I have removed the reference to the dreaded "Y" word (no disrespect to any yankee fan or yankee for that matter) and replaced it with New Englander.. seems some of my northern counterparts were a little upset that I had not given proper homage to my beloved Red Sox..
Not that I need to help them in any way since they are kicking ass!
but when you're right... you're right.. So even though the term yankee is used around here in a manner straight out of "gone with the wind"
Here's to Carlton Fisk, and Yaz and even johnny damon.. my boys.. forever and always..

and a very happy birthday to my best buddy.. you know who you are.. I love you.. you are one of the best people I know on this earth and I wish there were more people out there like you..

Wednesday, June 29, 2005

implement of torture

Originally uploaded by atlbiscuit.

oh.. get your mind out of the gutter....
this is my new toy...
do it yourself traction...
apparently when I fell a couple weeks ago I knocked something out of whack in my neck.. so this past week when both of my arms were a little numb and I was having a hard time picking things up with one of them, well.. I got it checked out.. so after some xrays it was determined that I jammed the area where the brachial plexus (sp?) nerve runs out of your neck and down both your arms.. which explains the trouble..
So today after PT.. I come home with this contraption.. it's empty at the moment.. but soon that bag you see will be filled with 8 lbs of water.. I will attach myself to it around my head and sit in a chair and get stretched for 15 minutes at a time..
looks like fun don't it!?
It's more than a little frustrating.. but at least we caught it early before there was major damage..
I was told to use it for "medicinal purposes only" which cracked me up cause what else am I gonna use it for? a cat toy? though they seem intrigued by it..
It's all good though.. I get frustrated sometimes cause even though i'm "fixed" I seem to be having small isues here and there that cause me to get a little depressed and think. "ok what's next?"
If I was a horse.. they would have taken me out and shot me....
But I know that there are people out ther in worse shape than me.. I often think about my cousin and how she battled breast cancer for 7 years and I wonder how she did it.. She kept her sense of humor and I imagine that though she didn't talk about it much she had to be depressed.. but she always said.. "whatcha gonna do.. you just keep going." So on some level I feel like I shouldn't get down, or be upset or cry.. but then I remember that it's ok.. and that pain is relative.. and chronic pain is something that I hope none of you ever have to deal with..
I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy..
I'm gonna be 40 this year.. and some days I feel like I am 90.. but in my head and my heart I will always be 18..
so here I go.. keepin on keepin on.. tomorrow I will hook myself up to this contraption and watch the news for a while.. and then unhook and remind myself that it could be worse.....
Perhaps I am having a bit of a poor pitiful me night.. but it's not how I am generally..
I really just wanted to share the photo.. but couldn't really without an explaination or some folks were gonna think i was a real big freak!
so.. happy thursday.. it's almost the weekend..

has this ever happened to you????

For the past couple of days I have been trying to find out if I was working on july 4th.. Sometimes I do.. sometimes I don't.. it all depends..
My producer is off the rest of the week so I was also trying to find out if someone would be working in his place or what exactly the plan was..
after an hour of going back and forth.. my boss actually told me to just go ahead and take the rest of the week off..
I'm in shock..
I'm also a little miffed cause had I known this last week I could have gone to visit my parents, as my sister is headed there tomorrow, but it's a little late to get a plane ticket for less than an arm and a leg..
so now i've got nuthin but time..
time to read a book I've been unable to get too..
time to turn the music way up and clean the house..
time to relax
have to say.. she didn't have to tell me twice......

take the rest of the week off......I thought that only happened in the movies..

Tuesday, June 28, 2005

talking out of his ass

Did you hear the whoosh as the air exited ?
I did
We went into this war with the rational that there were weapons of mass destruction in Iraq.. we all know now that this was a lie..
Now Bush is twisting the rational for the war.. it wasn't about WMD's it is about stopping Iraq from becoming the central front of terror networks..

Are we as americans seriously just going to swallow hook line and sinker everything this blowhard says without question?

there were none..
so now we are gonna change our tune?
Reminds me of that character on Saturday night live that John Lovitz used to play.. I think he was called "the liar"
"yeah.. we invaded iraq because there are weapons.. and cause they are the center of terrorism.. yeah...that's the ticket.....

5 references to sept 11th
2 references to Osama bin laden
not where he is.. not when we are going to catch him.. just that he is out there making statements.. how messed up is that.. let's quote the man we vowed 3 years ago to catch no matter what.. who is looking for this man anyway OJ Simpson?

Bush's approval ratings are the lowest of his presidency.. and you wonder why?

He stated

Some wonder whether Iraq is a central front in the war on
terror. Among the terrorists, there is no debate. Hear the words of
Osama Bin Laden: "This Third World War is raging" in Iraq. "The
whole world is watching this war." He says it will end in
"victory and glory or misery and humiliation."

He seems to think that the terrorists will be humiliated.. I fear it will be the USA instead..

The mere thought that he could stand up there and twist his own administrations reasonings for going into iraq in the first place makes my blood boil.
Why is this man still in office?
why hasn't he been impeached for his lies...
Why haven't we heard more on the downing street memo...

So many people are so discouraged, but have no idea what to do about it.. they have signed petitions, joined email lists, and have prayed.. and yet this man continues to wreak havoc on american families whose sons and daugthers are fighting a war waged on lies.
he should be ashamed
he should be impeached.
we should be appalled.

After September 11, 2001, I told the American people that the
road ahead would be difficult and that we would prevail. Well, it
has been difficult. And we are prevailing. Our enemies are brutal,
but they are no match for the United States of America and they are
no match for the men and women of the United States military.

Too bad we aren't going after the people who actually were responsible for Sept 11th.
Our military is the strongest in the world.. our soldiers the bravest souls out there.. but he is right.. they won't attack us at home on his watch.. they don't have to.. they have plenty of targets right there in their own neck of the woods....

God Bless our soldiers.. keep them from harm..
But let those people here at home who follow along like sheep actually hear what is going on in this world.. and DO SOMETHING to help stop it.

Sunday, June 26, 2005

pride parties

At a pride party saturday night.. someone was telling a story about the worst sex they had ever had.. the person that they were with couldn't "multitask" and just wasn't great in the bedroom. Their excuse was that they had carpal tunnel syndrome..
which gave me a great idea for a new t-shirt for lesbians..
I'm sure someone will print it up and that's ok.. but remember you heard it here first


I'm guessing viagra won't help with that one.. ..
off to bed.. parade day in a few hours..

Friday, June 24, 2005


Originally uploaded by atlbiscuit.

However you choose to celebrate.. be it in a park with 300 thousand of your closest family..
or grilling out at home with the ones you love..
Have a happy pride weekend and give thanks to all those that toiled and gave their all so that we CAN go out and be together in a park to celebrate our pride.
the theme of our pride celebration is


so whatever your plans.. have fun and be SAFE!

Thursday, June 23, 2005

Eminent Domain

Today the Supreme Court ruled that it is perfectly ok for the government to seize any american's home and turn it over to a private company for development.
Do we really understand what this means?
if Wal mart or target or a local mini mart wants to build something on my property

Land availability on the west coast is at a premium.. that means what exactly?

here in georgia we have laws to protect us from this but what about everyone else?

The only dissenting vote was Sandra Day O'Connor who called the decision one that bowed to the rich and powerful at the expense of middle-class Americans.

Several States have laws on the books that forbid the use of eminent domain.

Can you imagine getting a phone call or a letter stating that someone was just taking your home.. and there isn't a damn thing you can do about it?
Of course the government has to provide "market value" compensation.. but still it's MY HOME!!

wOW... just when I thought there was NOTHING more that would surprise me..
something did..


Originally uploaded by atlbiscuit.

To know spike is to love spike.....
Now some are thinking..well hell they have a dog named Xena... so spike must be named for that sexy vampire on Buffy the Vampire Slayer... well.. no..
It's hard to tell in this photo, but see.. spike only has one ear..
Van Gogh would have been too obvious.. so.. I chose spike... Spike's had a tough life.. but she gives as good as she gets..
See..she was found by one of our crews hovering in a doorway on a rainy night.. kids were throwing stones at her cause.. well she looked a little freakish.. she had a hematoma coming out of where her ear should have been..
The crew was a few hundred miles from here so they sent her home to me.. at the time she was smaller than the palm of my hand.. she looked pretty beat up. The vet thinks she went to sleep in a car engine to keep warm and someone cranked it.. taking her ear and part of her paw with it.
She has always been one of those cats who decides when and if she is going to let you pet her.. stand -offish..
I came home one night to flip on the light in the kitchen and found her there with dry spaghetti noodles all over the floor and a couple that looked like extra whiskers sticking out of her mouth.. Feral cats will eat anything.. this we know.. among her favorites.. asparagus and boiled peanuts.
So, spike joined the family.. and began her reign of terror.. and fun..
several years after I got her.. she got into a scrape with my roomate's cat.. she got an abscess on the base of her butt where her tail meets her body.. they operated on it.. but failed to mention that the fur wouldn't grow back.. so now she has this bald area right at the base of her tail.. a friend said it looks like one of disney's anamatronic animals where they've moved in a certain direction for so long the fur just has a way about it..
After butter and I started dating apparently spike wandered into the dryer while she had turned away.. butter didn't see her go it, but when she turned the machine back on she heard a thump...thump... she quickly opened the door only to see a paw stick straight out of the dryer.. followed by the rest of the cat who hit the floor a little stunned and then hid under the bed for hours.. butter didn't tell me about it for many months.. (after she was sure there was no brain damage I suspect.. though we've always thought because of the hematoma spike may be a lil 'touched'.
So get the visual.. no ear, a couple of pads on her paw missing and now a big ole bald spot..
My roomate was cooking dinner one night, and spike, being the feral that she is, faster than a shot, jumped up onto the stove and stole the meat right out of the hot pan.. my roomate was not happy.. She continued her reign and her stand offish-ness for quite some time..
then something new.. babies..
well.. not real babies...sock babies..
she began the practice of bringing us "babies" she would meow this low guttural meowing and bring in a sock.. and another.. and another.. one day we came home to a nest of socks.. spike resting happily on top of them.
it doesn't matter how we try to hide the socks.. she continually finds some and brings them to us..
when we moved into an apartment, butter had a basket of beanie babies we kept by the fireplace.. I would come home to find beanie baby trails.. and a couple of them right in the spot on my bed where I sleep. We always thank her and bring them back.
now she drags them downstairs.. and lots of times back upstairs as well if we are upstairs and there are any left downstairs..
One of our friends didn't realize for the longest time that it was spike doing this.. she apparently thought we were just slobs who left trails of socks around the house.. until one day she was there when spike did it.. and she was like. oooohhhhhhh that's why there are socks everywhere.. Now keep in mind we do pick them up.. she just drags them back out.. and the beanie babies too.. we thank her and put them back over and over and over..
Couple of years ago butter came home from work to house spattered with blood and little pawprints.. she traced it to the loft in th office.. but she couldn't find out where it came from.. we had recently gotten the new cat so we thought there may have been a fight.. nope.. everyone was fine.. all the cats were accounted for.. so she shook the treat can and they all came running.. they all took a treat.. but spike wouldn't eat hers.. (which is SO unlike her.. she's a hog) upon closer inspection butter realized that spike had blood all down the front of her.. turns out that spike had a collar that she didn't like.. so she tried to take it off and it got stuck in her mouth.. she thrashed around until it finally came off.. tearing her tongue in half in the process.. off to the vet..
no ear, part of a paw.. big bald spot.. now.. a tongue ripped in half...
they put her ina cone and sent her home.. this is when spike changed... she had to be between us when she slept.. had to be touching us.. she couldn't meow but she could purr.. so she did.. in a cone.. which acted like a huge megaphone..
so she purred.. all night.. loudly!
Spike's had an interesting life.. she's goin on 14 years with no signs of stoppin.. Our friend has already claimed her should anything ever happen to us.. cause spike is just that cool .. I sure hope she has enough socks though.. she's gonna need them!

lookie lookie

thanks to angel and cindy for the flickr help.. I think I've got some up now.. guess I will change them periodically. but really.. thanks for the help.. I had apparently set up a badge on an old post trying to figure out how to put a photo on a post.. so I had to go and change that too.. but well.. hey learning is fun!
thanks y'all!


no worries.. I will ALWAYS be older and wider than you!

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

and while I'm at it.....

I've added a link over there on the links area for the group that is starting a class action lawsuit against the runaway bride so that she will never see a dime of her money from books or movie deals.. even if you aren't interested.. go check it out.. it's a good read..

also for those of you who use flickr... can you give me a little guidance as to how to add photos to the side of my page.. I've been trying and can't seem to get it to work.. so hey if you would like to see any of my photos, head over to my flickr page.. though there is one that only half uploaded that I will fix tonight..

more news later..

Tuesday, June 21, 2005


first and foremost, thank you all for your good wishes, prayers and concern over my recent tumble.. Everything has checked out OK, and with the exception of some bruising and soreness. I should be as normal as I ever was in no time!
Just another fun little story to add to the list to tell the kids some day..
one time.. mommy was on the potty. and fell down go boom.
I swear that damn commercial was playin in my head on the way down..
"I've fallen.. and I can't get up"

now on to the other (YAWN) snews of the day.. yes.. tonight the runaway bride got the rest of her 15 minutes of fame.. lets just hope her time is up. There was no explainging of things.. just more "I don't know" I'm sick.. "maybe someday they will stop calling me the runaway bride and use my name....jennifer..or call me friend....."


Granted I am all for therapy (<-waves to therapist in case she's reading) but WTF?
I honestly don't believe this woman is as mental as they claim she is..
I think that she is a spotlight hound.. she made some comment about wishing Katie was interviewing her for winning american idol instead of why she was there... well.. did she even TRY out for American Idol? Can the runaway bride even carry a tune? these are questions I have! dammit!
I'm going to rewatch the interview later cause granted I only caught bits and pieces of it.. but it was nothing more than a slick PR move designed to get her some sympathy.. well.. sorry sistah.. If you are TRULY sorry for your actions, you would have had some better answers than I don't know.. you've been in therapy for over a month, surely you have figured something out..
And she wants to serve out her community service working in nursing.. say what????!
If I see that woman comin near me at any hospital I am running, or wheeling or whatever it takes to get the hell outta there.. If she can't take care of herself, how can she possibly be expected to take care of anyone else? Let her make macaroni necklaces for a little while longer and then send her out to pick up trash on the side of the road..
She may be nuts.. but not in the way that we think she is.. she is manipulating the entire system. and making a buttload of money out of it.. people like her make me ill.
Lots of people are asking what the deal is with the fiancee and why he hasn't run fast and far away from her.. but I can understand that.. if he takes off now a lot of people will understand why but a lot of people will complain that he left her in a vulnerable mental state. So he can't win..

They definitely broke the mold when they made that woman.. or at least let's hope they did..

And on a happy note.. YAY to the folks out in Utah who found missing boy scout Brennan Hawkins alive and well.. and desperate to get back to playing some video games!

Sunday, June 19, 2005

I've fallen.. and I can't get up

(if you have issues reading about the bathroom, then I suggest you read no futher.. although there are no bodily functions or "toilet humor" present fair warning)


friday night/Saturday morning at about 4 in the morning.. I fell in the bathroom.
no, I'm not 90 years old.. :)
(sure feel like it today though)
I have to say I am a little freaked out by it..
Got up.. everything good.. went into my bathroom and had to tinkle.. no biggie..
I'm not sure what happened next... I don't even know how long I was in there.. though butter says it wasn't extremely long..
all I know is I went to get up and biscuit go boom.. my left leg was completely useless.. I hit the "pot" and the tub.. butter heard the commotion and asked if I was ok, to which I yelled out "NO, PLEASE COME HERE!!!!)
She came in and helped me get situated.
It was weird.. I didn't feel anything like my foot was asleep or anything.. I'm not sure if I sat on a nerve funny.. if I fell asleep ( I may have.. I fell asleep posting on a blog the other day and jerked awake to find a page full of sssssssssssssssssssssssssss ..
So of course I am all freaked out.. at first I made sure that I could stand.. butter helped me walk back to the bed.. I definitely tweaked something in my back.. but I am hoping it is only muscular. I'm going to call the neurosurgeon first thing monday morning and see if he wants to get an xray or anything to make sure the piece that he put in my spine is still OK.
Nothing scares me more than F-ing up the surgery I had.. I certainly don't want to do it again.. and it has been going really well. I'm pretty sore today.. and my spine area hurts a bit, but I am hoping really that it's just everything around it that is sore.. I'm a little concerned about possibly sitting on a nerve that would make me fall over when I get up. but we will deal with that next time..
But I felt like that lil old lady in that commercial who says
"Help... I've fallen and I can't get up"
everything is ok really.. promise.. I think it just scared me more than anything..
and just felt the need to share..
Now every time I have to pee, I have a moment where I get a little nervous.. and when I get up I'm like checking to make sure my leg is working..
all this and I'm not even 40 yet! (4 more months)


Saturday, June 18, 2005

Money grubbing @$#%%@$%@$%@$%@$

It's been in the news for the past few days...
Jennifer Wilbank$.. you know.. the runaway bride?
she just signed a deal with a new york based multimedia company for a possible book and movie deal..
Here is a woman who lied about kidnapped.. lied (and went into GREAT detail about the man and woman who raped her) lied again.. and oh by the way ...lied.
The entire metro atlanta area was trippin over itself trying to find this woman.. countless hours were spent by law enforcement, the media and private citizens..
She only agreed to pay back roughly 13 thousand dollars to the city of duluth, though over 45 thousand was spent on her search (the city only agreed to this amount because it figured something was better than nothing.)
Now Dateline has an "exclusive" interview with her.. and Atlanta is PISSED!

How dare this woman ( and her fiancee) profit from the efforts of all of these people? has she no conscience? She has NEVER addressed the community to thank them for looking for her..
Legally there is nothing that law enforcement can do to stop it.. when the mayor of duluth was asked to comment, she wryly responded (paraphrasing) "you do want something that you can actually use on television right? She ain't happy!
Neither is Q100 radio DJ Jeff Dauler.. who on his show the other day went OFF on Wilbank$ and John Mason..
In fact.. he is so pissed.. he wants to file a class action lawsuit against her so that she will never see any profits from this movie/book deal.
The idea is to get as many people as possible to join the lawsuit..(no one would actually profit, any monies would be first used to repay the city of duluth and the rest donated to charity..)
Excellent idea I say.. sign me up..
Personally I think the judge should drag her back into court and throw her in jail..
sorry I'm just not that sympathetic to her cause.. Yeah I know she has issues.. hell we all have issues.. but think about that family in Aruba right now looking for their daughter.. who is ACTUALLY missing.. how must they feel? think about the other taxpayers in duluth georgia who are going to foot the bill for this charade? Or how bout whatever other crimes may have happened during the time that the police dept. was spending all of this time looking for Jennifer? What if someone who actually needed the police during that time had died, because they couldn't get there cause they were looking for a woman who wasn't really missing?
the whole thing really makes me angry.
Her lack of ethics, integrity and the fact that she cares nothing about those people who were out there looking for her just really makes me angry.. I can't help it..
for someone to put together this big of a charade is CRIMINAL.
I read the police reports.. lets just say she has a VIVID imagination about a rape that never happened.. I mean REALLY.. It was disturbing.. and I have seen A LOT in my career.. it was truly the most bizarre thing thus far..
So, if you are as upset about the whole thing as I am I urge you to visit the web site set up by Q100 DJ Jeff Dauler.

Sue her.. sue her early..sue her often.. If there were a way for me to purchase every single one of the books that she puts out and put them in a big pile and burn them for fuel I would do it..


Friday, June 17, 2005

big brother is watching.. or wants to be

On my early morning drive into work today (yay a day shift for a week! I get to see my wife when she isn't inchoherent during conan) I'm listening to Neal Boortz.. I'll admit it.. He is is an equal opportunity offender.. on many issues I don't agree with him at all.. but sometimes I find myself nodding my head in agreement.. it's weird I know..
He starts talking about how the US Department of justice (DOJ) is quietly shopping the idea around requiring ISP's to keep records of all of their customers online activities.. did you hear that ?? let me say it again louder in case you missed it...
requiring ISP's to keep records of all of their customers online activities

we are talking every web site you visit.. every photo you look at, every email you receive, any chat room or message board that you post on, all of your online banking, online purchases.. EVERYTHING YOU DO ONLINE.
Of course this is under the guise of helping to fight terrorism.. how in the hell GWB knowing that I visited WebMD to look up a drug, or bought a CD from is going to help fight terrorism.................argh
people in this country need to wake the F!#@ up! everytime they add some random thing to the patriot act we give up more and more of our rights.. and no one seems to care...
Now from what I understand this discussion came about with the national center for missing and exploited children to help track down child abusers.
granted I think child abusers, people who abuse animals and people who prey on the elderly should be hung by their fingernails in a wind tunnel and beaten to a pulp.. but really.. do we all really think that this is the TRUE reason that they would like to pass this?
It's getting scarier and scarier out there folks.. the egomaniacs in power are drunk with it and willing to try whatever they think they can get away with it while they can..
the very freedoms that our men and women are fighting for in other countries are slowly being taken away from us.. doesn't tht just make you mad? it should..

here is an article about it on CNET if you would like to take a look for yourself..

or just go to the neal boortz webpage and look on nealz nuze for the day

Thursday, June 16, 2005

Father Downing Mysteries

(yes, I know it was Father Dowling.. It's a play on words...)
Today those people up there in Washington who claim to represent the people are supposed to discuss the Downing Street memo.. If you haven't heard about the memo, it was written 8 months BEFORE Bush sent our men and women into an unjustified war..
A secret memo discussing a meeting that was held to talk about Iraq.
Bush wanted to remove Saddam.. No matter the cost or the lack of intelligence..
He justified the action by rallying the American people against the terrorists and how Saddam had the infamous WMD's (where are those again?)
Loosely stated, they didn't have the necessary reasons to go into Iraq so.. They made their facts fit their plan

the intelligence and facts were being fixed around the policy.

It seemed clear that Bush had made up his mind to take military action, even if the timing was not yet decided. But the case was thin. Saddam was not threatening his neighbors, and his WMD capability was less than that of Libya, North Korea or Iran. We should work up a plan for an ultimatum to Saddam to allow back in the UN weapons inspectors. This would also help with the legal justification for the use of force.

The british wanted to give saddam an ultimatum, but according to the memo, they doubted that Bush would go the ultimatum route....

The interesting thing is that since this memo has leaked NO ONE in the British Government has come out swinging claiming it is a lie, untrue, fabricated or has otherwise tried to defend the Downing street memo..
So, one would have to think that it is indeed true..
if that is the case..
He lied
He had others lie
He lied..
he sent THOUSANDS of our men and women to their deaths for some kind of chest beating bullshit..
and he lied.
Clinton lied about a blowjob.. And they tried desperately to impeach him..
Doesn't ANYONE think that this is way more serious than that? Are people in the US just plain stupid? Do they just not care? Have they not seen the hundreds of thousands of photos of dead and maimed Americans fighting a war that was built on a LIE?
The first week of may 89 democratic senators wrote a letter to Bush asking him to explain the contents of the memo..
(insert the sound of silence and chirping birds here)
15 days later his mouthpiece who had successfully dodged the question in several other daily briefings, finally commented.

Claims in a recently uncovered British memo that intelligence was “being fixed” to support the Iraq war as early as mid-2002 are “flat out wrong,” White House press secretary Scott McClellan said Monday.
However, McClellan also said he had not seen the “specific memo,” only reports of what it contained.

Hasn't seen it? Unfreaking believable..

but then..

George Bush answers to no one....why should he.. He is the big man.. the cowboy.. he answers to NO ONE...period.. he just cackles his way through his day while our men and women bleed to death fighting a war that should have never happened.

Scott Mclellan has a history of not commenting on specific questions, so it's not that surprising that he wouldn't do so now.. it's a pattern.. don't wanna answer.. claim you haven't read whatever it is they are talking about..

I hope someone.. anyone finally calls this (alleged) president on all of his LIES..
Michael Moore tried.. all it got him was a load of trouble..
Apparently the Democracy of the united states has changed to a dictatorship without the people being told..
but then there is probably a secret memo about that somewhere.. we'll find out about it eventually.. when the foreign press gets ahold of it..

Of course.. if I disappear for speaking about this... someone look for me at GITMO..

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

the sweetest kiss

the sweetest kiss
Originally uploaded by atlbiscuit.

Well, here it is... the official biscuit and butter photo....
A year ago, a magazine for women started in atlanta called Labrys..
They've put out some great mags this past year.. much to our surprise, this latest one was called "the best of you"
and in it.. well.. Butter and I were named "sweetest kiss"
I remember exactly when this photo was taken.. at the opening of a new bar in the suburbs.. as you can tell by the half laugh going on.. I was being my usual goofy self.. when the photographer said "lets see ya kiss"
So when friends told us the other day that we simply had to pick up the latest copy of the magazine.. well I of course stopped in on my way to work to pick one up..
I mentioned it to the mother-out-law today.. though I told her that the award was for naked synchronized skydiving.. cause I figured that would shock her more than sweetest kiss.. :) it's fun bein me sometimes..
I am just a goofball at heart.. but I do love my butter.. (cholesteral be dammned!)
So share in the fun of the fact that of all the lesbians in Atlanta.. apparently we rate up there in the sweet category..
Now if only we could get that naked skydiving competition down.. we would be all set!
~the big fluffy biscuit (with a lil dab of butter!)

best of atlanta

best of atlanta
Originally uploaded by atlbiscuit.

here is the whole page

just like me....they long to be...close to you...

nothing to do tonight.. work is nonexistent..
so on our dinner break, my producer and I took off to borders books and more and I picked up a copy of IG "Rarities" that I think was released either yesterday or today..


I can remember many years ago with my record player in overdrive.. listening to every kind of music I could get my hands on.. my favorite then.. and now would have to be hands down... The Carpenters..
Richard Carpenter is a genius at musical arrangement.. and Karen.. wow.. the main thing that drew me to her was the fact that she was the only female drummer I had ever seen in my young life.. even in those ball gowns.. she was back there keeping time.. Part of me thinks that if they had allowed her to remain behind the snares, she might still be with us today..
Unfortunately when they pushed her out front and center into the spotlight, she became the focus of all things wrong with the entertainment industry.. you think that they would have learned a hard lesson from her death.. but they did not. They pushed her to be "thin", it crawled into her psyche and never left..
But that voice.. no matter what kind of mood I was in.. that voice took me to my happy place... and still does..
Music for me has always been a wonderous thing.. nothing makes me happier than that very first time I listen to a CD.. You know.. before you know all the words to all the songs and sing along.. The purity of the first time listening is something that someone else has created is something I treasure..
The harmonies that Richard and Karen created in the studio were to me, such an amazing thing.. There was no way they could ever re-create some of that live.. but I would never have the opportunity to see that, as Karen died well before I started going to concerts.
Christmas is never quite the same without the Carpenters christmas albums.... There are few other musical acts that I can say bring me that much joy.. and believe me.. everyone in my life thinks it's silly that I so enjoy The Carpenters..
Once when I was putting myself through school working at a florist, I had to actually make a delivery to Karen's crypt. It has since been moved, but it was very cool to be able to pay my respects.
For me, it's all about the harmony and the lyrics.. though a little head banging and some good 80's music every once in a while is fun too.. I enjoy listening for all of the little nuances that an artist may put in a song.. be it the use of a word or phrase, or a note, chord.. people who can create music to me are to be revered.
The Beach Boys were another one of those bands who could put together a song that if you picked it apart, every aspect of it would be its own piece of art.
I was introduced to the indigo girls many many years ago.. a cassette single that has long since been worn into oblivion.. Musically they have evolved from the two girls with guitars that they started out as.. Each brings their own piece to the puzzle and together it is woven into beautiful music.
Lyrically you have the poetic musings of love, lost love and hope that ES brings to the table.. and the socio-political controversy and angst that AR brings.. Each of them is so different in their styles, yet together it is magic.

There are few artists that can truly touch your soul and take you to a different place.. for me it is the carpenters.. joni mitchell is another..for some it is the indigo girls.. jackson brown, carly simon.. we are fortunate to have a bounty of quality songwriters and musicians..
There is a whole other genre in the hip hop, rap area that is for another discussion.. but artists like snoop dogg, eminem, ludacris... all

currently loggins and messina are on the view singing "your mama don't dance.. and your daddy don't rock and roll".. they are another group.. nice harmonies..

so, go listen to your favorite artist and head to your happy place..

Monday, June 13, 2005

UN-Frickin believable

Another high profile CRIMINAL in the courts of california WALKS..
perhaps now OJ will have a golfing buddy.

I am speechless..

He had better thank god for the stupidity of that jury..

and if he EVER sees fit to share his bed with a child that is not his own again, I hope they hang the bastard.

Once a child molestor... always a child molestor...

now all we are going to hear is about how he is a victim, how he has been taken advantage of.. of COURSE he wouldn't go after the likes of Mac Culkin or Emmanuel Lewis..
people who molest children prey upon the week, the ones they can manipulate.. neither of those fit into that category..

I am seething

the verdict is in

here we sit..
in about an hour..
we will know the outcome of the Jackson case..

I feel he is guilty.. but we shall see what the others think.

most people I know think that if he is found guilty, he will not be able to handle it and will ultimately commit suicide.

regardless of the outcome.. one thing is clear.. michael should alter himself and stop spending time with little boys.. only bad can come of it.

Sunday, June 12, 2005

Family Reunion 2005

blackshear from water
Originally uploaded by atlbiscuit.

back from a 2 day retreat to beautiful lake blackshear.. well it would have been beautiful if it hadn't been for Arlene..
I have never seen so much freakin rain..
It rained and rained and then when it stopped it rained some more.. fortunately we had some of the cutest kids in the world to keep us company..
I've had a crappy couple of weeks with the weather the way it's been, so another shot in the hip on friday with some extra special muscle relaxants mixed in.. and I was in dreamland for most of friday..
It was a weekend of eating and drinking and trying to remember the names of all of my wife's family members that I've met once.. They have all been really wonderful, and I like them all a whole lot..
more on the events of the weekend later.. but for now it's time for QAF and then a shower and bed.. chasing one and a half year olds is tiring (but great fun!)


Though I am on the road and not with my team, the score of last night's game
I mean.. nuthin.. shut down, may as well not have even shown up kinda score..
we are definitely going to the playoffs.. but now we may actually get 2 home games instead of just one in the post seasons.
Girls.. you freaking ROCK my world.. I am sorry I couldn't be there with you for it..
(more on that later)
You are the most dedicated, talented group of athletes I have ever had the pleasure to work with..
we are going all the way to new hampshire.. I know you believe that and know that in your hearts.. and I will be there with you.. for sure..
Let's get Chicago DONE!

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Anne Bancroft takes her final bow

Originally uploaded by atlbiscuit.

was so very much more than Mrs. Robinson..

"Don't Bother to Knock," 1952
"Tonight We Sing," 1953
"Treasure of the Golden Condor," 1953
"The Kid from Left Field," 1953
"Gorilla at Large," 1954
"Demetrius and the Gladiators," 1954
"The Raid," 1954
"New York Confidential," 1955
"Nightfall," 1957
"The Restless Breed," 1957
"The Girl in Black Stockings," 1957
"The Miracle Worker," 1962
"The Pumpkin Eater," 1964
"The Slender Thread," 1965
"7 Women," 1966
"The Graduate," 1967
"Young Winston," 1972
"Lipstick," 1976
"The Turning Point," 1977
"Fatso," 1980
"The Elephant Man," 1980
"To Be or Not to Be," 1983
"Garbo Talks," 1984
"Agnes of God," 1985
"'Night, Mother," 1986
"84 Charing Cross Road," 1987
"Torch Song Trilogy," 1988
"Rigby, You're a Fool," 1989
"How to Make an American Quilt," 1995
"Antz," 1998
"Up at the Villa," 2000

rest in peace Anna Maria Louise Italiano..

someone once asked me of everyone I had met who is the one person I would have liked to.. She would be the one.... what a loss..
the lights on broadway will dim in her honor.. they should be out all night long as far as I am concerned.