Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Let the hysteria begin!

Late this afternoon, the city of Atlanta seemed to erupt into a P-A-N-I-C!!!!!
Seems that the pipeline that supplies hartsfield airport and one of the big tanks where our gasoline is stored is not operating because of the damage in LA.
Add to that some email that was going around about how gas stations were closing at 6pm and tomorrow only emergency vehicles would get gas, and that the price was going to go as high as $6 a gallon for regular, and you've got the makings of chaos.
Reminscent of the 70's when cars were lined up around the block for gas.. it's gettin crazy.
This afternoon I filled up and gas was $2.78 a gallon for regular.. at the very same gas station when I came home this evening the price had jumped $3.59.. The gas station across the street was up to $3.08.. it had been $2.89 earlier.. There are some places charging up to $6 a gallon.. It is unbelievable.. The Governor has mandated that they will go after anyone caught gouging customers.. But it seems like it's only going to get worse.
The pictures out of New orleans are worse every time I look at them...Our station is having a telethon starting tomorrow and running through midnight friday.. hopefully we can do some good.. everyone feels so very helpless..
I really hope that they can get the looting situation under control.. the looters are apparently getting more violent. Govt officials have told police to stop search and rescue efforts and focus on stopping the looting..I can only imagine the desperation that some folks are feeling down there, and to some degree I could rationalize taking food.. but they are stealing guns, computers, televisions.. things that the do not need just to survive.. and I can't rationalize that..
but then I can't rationalize $3.59 a gallon either..
So much about this storm has been a class issue.. and it's sad.. someone should have planned better.. if you didn't have money for a car and gasoline or a hotel room.. or an airplane ticket.. you were a sitting duck.. Seems incredibly unfair.
Hopefully in the coming days things will get much better down there..
keep a prayer in your heart for everyone.. and be sure to donate your time or some money to help out.. If anyone wants to call in during the telethon.. let me know and I will give you the #

on a much lighter note.. happy 60th birthday to Butter's mom! We had her surprise birthday party last weekend.. but the actual day is tomorrow.. sadly we can't be with her.. but here's hoping she has a wonderful day!

Frantic family members

Got a call at 5am this morning.. yeah.. 5am.. I don't like getting calls at that time of day, it always scares me that something has happened to a family member.
And in this case, it had, it just wasn't one of my family members.
One of my girls has a grandma in New Orleans.. she lives just beyoned the superdome, so they thought they would be safe... as we all know.. that's not the case.. Apparently her grandmother has had some sort of medical situation, they think possibly a stroke.. and they have no way to get her any medical attention.. My girl is obviously very upset, and I have been on the phone trying to figure out who to call and what if anything there is that can be done..
So, say a lil prayer for grandma.. that whatever is going on with her, they will get her some medical help soon.

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Walkin on Sunshine.....not

Ok there is my 80's band Katrina and the Waves reference, cause it's been flyin around the newsroom for days.
It was quite harrowing in the metro area yesterday.. Tornados touched down all over the place. One of the women who works for Butter's dad had her home destroyed.. the back of it ripped right off.. The weather here was insane, I can only imagine what it was like right in the path of the storm.
This is our Tsunami
said the mayor of Biloxi.. and he may be right.. though I don't see any other countries coming to our aid...
Levees have failed, water continues to pour into the french quarter, and officials don't know why.
The pictures of the devastation are just incredible..
In one area, a CNN reported stated that they could hear people screaming for help last night, but they couldn't get to them to help them. Search and rescue efforts continue today as daylight broke. Horrific stories of bodies floating.. pets wrapped in live electrical wires, being electrocuted.. the smell of death....
The area hardest hit near new orleans is an area of extreme poverty.. many people couldn't leave their homes, as they did not have the means to do so. Many of those people are now dead. Many are being rescued today. My questions are many.. Why didn't state officials get buses together and get those people out of there? Many of the people said they didn't have any money for hotel rooms, and the ones who had cars didn't have money to purchase gas to get out of town. This seems to be a huge issue of bad planning on the part of state officials. Especially with the cost of gas what it is right now, they should have made sure that those people at least had some ability to leave. Because now, rescuers are putting their lives in danger going in to get them, and those resources could be used somewhere else.
The entire situation is just sad. New Orleans officials have declared martial law.. there are no civil rights in NO at the moment.. People are looting.. people are scared. They have no power, the waters are rising, and they have no place to go.
There will likely be no power for weeks, who knows when the water will receed.. and when it does, what or who will they find underneath. Mosquitoes breeding and spreading disease is a very real possibilty..
I hope that Officials get their act together soon.. this has the potential to be really nasty.. well beyond the actual storm..

please visit The Red Cross
to help, by volunteering or sending in a donation.

My thoughts and prayers are with those people in the affected areas.. God Bless...

Monday, August 29, 2005


The outrage that I felt over the weekend when I first heard this story is just unbelievable.. Imagine.. this could be ANY of us..
Faux news (Fox News for those who aren't aware of my changing the names of things I don't like) contributor John Loftus for some inexplicable reason, went on the air and gave out the address of a terrorist living in Alhambra California..
Only problem is.. he DIDN'T DO THE RESEARCH!~!!!
There was no terrorist living at 123 main street (not the real address btw) and the family that does live in that house has been terrorized by "patriotic americans" ever since, and is now under police protection cause they are afraid to go to sleep at night.. someone already spray painted the word "terrist" ( spelled incorrectly.. cause well.. someone apparently is stooooopid)
Both Faux News and Loftus have issued a written apology to the family.... um.. big frickin deal.. I think what they ought to do is make Loftus live in the house for a month with no police protection and see how he likes being the object of patriotic american fervor!
How lazy and sloppy for anyone to give out someone's address on the airwaves... and even if you were planning on doing that.. at least have the frickin sense to check it out first.. apparently the actual terrorist person he was speaking of never even lived nearby...
So now this family is in fear of their lives.. and all they get is an "I'm sorry"
Oh hell no.. they need to be held accountable for the actions of someone speaking on their news program.. I'm not one to be sue happy.. but that family should sue the living hell out of faux news and lofton and the FCC should be investigating. This is far more serious that showing Janets left boob on national television..

Sunday, August 28, 2005

a childhood tagging

Came back from the weekend to find that I have been tagged.. which is good, cause I had nothing to write about at the moment.. so here we go.. play along if you like

1. J

2& 3 shellyandangie

4. Crakerillo

5. Biscuit

And now......
Drumroll please......

The Question: What 5 things do you miss about your childhood?

1. I miss living in New England, and all that goes with it.. days at the coast, great spring fed lakes.. and family camps at said lakes..
2. I miss holidays and sunday dinners with my family (saturday night bean supper on saturday for any of you who know what I am talking about!)
3. I miss snow ( I know I am crazy.. but it rarely snows here
4. I miss playing kickball, and hide and go seek and going out on a summer day to explore, picking wild raspberries and blueberries and staying out all day long until mom called us for dinner. Basically just miss being a kid..
5. Mostly I just miss my family and spending time with them whenever possible.

Lois Lane

Thursday, August 25, 2005

The Chicks were right..

I remember.. back before the war started.. three women from Texas were doing a show in Europe and made a statement that stunned the world.. The entire USA was in an outrage.. It was absolutely unbelievable...
that's right I'm talking about THEM.......
The Dixie Chicks..
three words most country music fans wouldn't utter up till now..
Cause as more and more time passes, most people realize.. that they should be ashamed.
You would have thought they called for the assasination of a foreign leader or something!
There were album burnings and crushings, country radio refused (and in some cases still does refuse) to play their music.. They were harrassed, vandalized and had death threats cast upon them. All for speaking. After all... they are private citizens.... they can say whatever they want right?
Not to mention the fact that most media organizations only quoted Natalie's comments, and made no mention of what Emily said, which came directly after the comments, which was "but we support our troops"
So they are vilified in the media, and on country radio..
Yet Pat Roberston, who calls for the assassination of a foreign leader, on national television, and it barely makes a mention on the news.. He actually LIED and stated that he was misinterpreted and he never said assassinate.. which he DID, but yet he works away unscathed.. no controversy.. no boycott of the 700 club.. nothing..
and it absolutely stumps me..
I can't wrap my head around it.. I sit screaming in my head sometimes at the stupidity of some people.. (or as I heard someone call them the other day "sheeple"
sheep + people=sheeple)

In Idaho yesterday, mr qweef had all these neat little soundbites that someone had obviously written for him. And it was beyond bizzare.. looking at the polls yesterday that were on AOL, the questions centering on whether the man should be on a 5 week vacation in the middle of a war (um....frickin no!) to if he's doing a good job or something along those lines.. The numbers are finally starting to turn.. and not just a little.. a LOT.. I've watched polls for a long time.. and this is one of the first ones that is toppling in the other direction.
It's nice to see.. and who knows maybe we can finally hear the chicks on the radio again.. I miss that..

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Pat Robertson Needs to be arrested

Today, I am listening to the news.. and lo and behold I hear about Pat Robertson telling his "viewers" that the head of Venuzeula, Hugo Chavez needs to be assasinated..

"We have the ability to take him out, and I think the time has
come that we exercise that ability," Robertson said Monday on the
Christian Broadcast Network's "The 700 Club."
"We don't need another $200 billion war to get rid of one, you
know, strong-arm dictator," he continued. "It's a whole lot
easier to have some of the covert operatives do the job and then
get it over with."

um... hello.. ??
now the Bush administration is "distancing" itself from his comments.. old Rummy saying
"Our department doesn't do that
kind of thing. It's against the law. He's a private citizen.
Private citizens say all kinds of things all the time."

um.. hello???? is anyone out there with half a brain catching on?
the man made a terroristic threat on national television and the frickin best you can do is say "he's a private citizen"? If you or I would have said the same sort of thing, we would be tossed in the pokey so fast our heads would spin, and we would be lucky if we ever saw the light of day again, or an attorney for that matter.

Our own laws are at stake here, we can't say in one breath we won't tolerate terrorism, and then have some high profile person in our country make a terroristic threat and do nothing..
I am OUTRAGED! that Mr. Robertson hasn't been arrested, detained, etc..

if it were ANYBODY else.. they would be UNDER the jail by now

Monday, August 22, 2005


talked to a friend today who is a master mechanic type gal.. she is going to come over and check my master cylinder and my trans axel fluid.. something that I can't check on my own as it is under the car..
But things are lookin up!
I was able to drive it back and forth to work today with no problems.. (and lil hail mary just for good measure)
thanks to all who voiced their concern..
2nd full week of law school.. stressfull.. but going well..
keep your fingers crossed.. Lots of work ahead, but nothing she can't handle and then some.. I am extremely proud of her.. after deciding to take the LSAT's about a month before they happened.. she scored in the 85th percentile of the class.. most people study for that for a full year before they take it..
So she's no slouch in the brains department..
hope you all are having a great week! I'm slowly adjusting to my new schedule, even though It's going to change again before it starts up full time in a couple weeks.
nighty nite

Sunday, August 21, 2005

tranny trouble

ahh..not exactly what you might be thinking.. but read on if you dare!
last monday after we had gotten back from our trip, I left for the hour long ride to go and pick up our pup from doggie club med..
as I pulled onto the street where she was residing, it happened... my clutch froze.. I couldn't get my beloved ford ranger into gear.. I coasted into the parking lot.. and then started freakin.. I had to be at work in two hours, and I was an hour from home, not dressed for work, and really freaking hot..
fortunately, butter's dad was wonderful enough to let me borrow his extra vehicle and I called to have my ranger towed to a nearby shop.. This situation happened once before, last year, although that time I was stuck on peachtree street in buckhead in the middle of friday afternoon traffic.. it was NOT fun.. but I had the truck towed to the shop, and lo and behold, it started and ran fine.. they couldn't duplicate the problem, so they couldn't fix it..
two days into the new shop having my truck, the same problem.. they couldn't get it to do whatever it was doing.. I explained that both times it happened it had been after driving it for a long period of time.. so they tried that to no avail.
This morning, we headed out to go and pick up the old gal.. we met with butter's dad and had lunch and then headed home..
everything was going along swimmingly, until we were about a mile from home.. and BOOM.. there it went... the clutch froze again.. I was able to get onto a side street and coast into a driveway.. and then it was dead.. it wouldn't start. it wouldn't do anything.. and again.. it was HOT about 95 degrees, and feeling hotter by the moment..
and by complete luck... a tow truck drove by.. and it didn't have a car in tow.. so we flagged him down and asked him to tow us to the house.. which he did..
our adventure was finally over for the day, and about an hour later, I went outside and she started just fine..
So, In talking to butter's dad, and feeling what its doing, I think there must be a piece of a gear or some kind of chip that is floating around in the system that cogs it up after its been running a while..
Not really sure what to do about it, though we have been talking about getting a newer vehicle for me that is automatic, so that If I am having problems with my hip, I won't have to shift gears, but it's not going to happen any time in the near future.. so keep your fingers crossed that it can make it back and forth to work for a while longer.. I may call a tranmission shop to see if it's something they have dealt with before.. maybe they can just flush it out and see how it goes..
but with my luck, they are going to have to tear it apart.... oh what fun..
I made dinner tonight for a friend whose GF is out of town tending to a sick mother.. the truck drama put me back a ways.. but we ended up having a lovely evening.. stuffed pork tenderloin, roasted broccoli and red peppers, potatoes, marinated mushrooms, and for dessert, chocolate molten cake with raspberries..
a lil wine, and some good conversation..
a fine evening.. and now time for bed..
but that's what's been going on all week..
and for the good news..
My boss came to me and told me that she is moving me to a day shift.. WOOOOHOOO!!
something I have been waiting for for a very long time.. it will be nice to join the human race after 15 or so years in the biz....
I can't wait!!!
target date.. 2 weeks..
It's going to take some getting used to, but I am totally psyched!
off to bed.. hope everyone is having a great weekend!

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Stand with Cindy

Stand with Cindy
Originally uploaded by atlbiscuit.

Lighting a candle for peace, and to stand in solidarity with Cindy Sheehan in Crawford, Texas..
and to remember all of the fallen soldiers, the iraqi people and the wounded


got this from David's blog
and felt the need to pass it on.....


I am the girl kicked out of her home because I confided in my mother that I am a lesbian.
I am the prostitute working the streets because nobody will hire a transsexual woman.
I am the sister who holds her gay brother tight through the painful, tear-filled nights.
We are the parents who buried our daughter long before her time.
I am the man who died alone in the hospital because they would not let my partner of twenty-seven years into the room.
I am the foster child who wakes up with nightmares of being taken away from the two fathers who are the only loving family I have ever had. I wish they could adopt me.
I am one of the lucky ones, I guess. I survived the attack that left me in a coma for three weeks, and in another year I will probably be able to walk again.
I am not one of the lucky ones. I killed myself just weeks before graduating high school. It was simply too much to bear.
We are the couple who had the realtor hang up on us when she found out we wanted to rent a one-bedroom for two men.
I am the person who never knows which bathroom I should use if I want to avoid getting the management called on me.
I am the mother who is not allowed to even visit the children I bore, nursed, and raised. The court says I am an unfit mother because I now live with another woman.
I am the domestic-violence survivor who found the support system grow suddenly cold and distant when they found out my abusive partner is also a woman.
I am the domestic-violence survivor who has no support system to turn to because I am male.
I am the father who has never hugged his son because I grew up afraid to show affection to other men.
I am the home-economics teacher who always wanted to teach gym until someone told me that only lesbians do that.
I am the man who died when the paramedics stopped treating me as soon as they realized I was transsexual.
I am the person who feels guilty because I think I could be a much better person if I didn't have to always deal with society hating me.
I am the man who stopped attending church, not because I don't believe, but because they closed their doors to my kind.
I am the person who has to hide what this world needs most, love.

Author Unknown

Repost this, homophobia is wrong.

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

writing on the

Originally uploaded by atlbiscuit.

This is the note that I read on the back of a bathroom stall in Maryland..
I thought I would take a picture of it to share..
Lies lies lies yeah....
sounds like a great song..
oh yeah.. it already is..

Patriotic criminals

I thought Texans were fiercely patriotic god fearing people...
guess I was wrong..
One of those good ol boys mowed down several hundred crosses bearing the names of soldiers killed in Iraq.. huh? crosses? bearing the names of dead soldiers? mowed down by an SUV?? a god fearing patriotic texan.. mowing down the very symbol that those "christian" type people pray to..
I literally couldn't believe it when I heard it..
I can't understand why anyone would have an issue with Cindy Sheehan.. She isn't an anti war protestor for god sakes.. she lost her son.

Neighbors are complaining about the traffic, shooting guns in the air.. mowing down symbols of those killed..and the one person who could put an end to it all won't..
so they should be pissed of at president qweef... instead they take it out on a woman who has already been through so much.
I wish I had the time and money to go down there myself.. I would be there in a heartbeat. is sponsoring candlelight vigils in cities all around the country tomorrow night.. so if you are so inclined.. find one in your area and light a candle.
I hope and pray that no harm comes to cindy or any of the people with her.. it seems those folks in crawford texas are a little out of their minds.
and have I mentioned how absolutely incensed I am that the commander in chief of this army is taking a 5 WEEK VACATION IN THE MIDDLE OF A WAR???????
I am sure there are plenty of soldiers in Iraq right now who would love and deserve a vacation.. for one week, if not 5.. but are they getting one? no.. some soldiers are being kept there even after their tour of duty is up.
and this man who sits in a white house dares take a 5 week break while our men and women are over there dying over a decision that he made.
they should suit his ass up and drop him right in the middle of bagdhad with a poorly fortified vehicle and a couple of weapons and make him fight his own friggin war.
I am so very annoyed that he has the GALL to basically spit in their faces.
Surely even those people who thought it was a good idea for us to go to war can see how reprehensible an act it is to vacation while we are at war.. It is unbelieveable!


I cannot say it enough!

Monday, August 15, 2005


ok.. this one's for Rosie.. just cuz we luv ya.. and cause I'm tired of people attacking you on your own blog.

my name is biscuit and I am FAT


I'm claiming the word back and giving it a new meaning..


So y'all keep screaming fat all you want.. we all know what it REALLY means!
George bush belongs in jail.. he is no better than the man who shot up the courthouse or anyone else behind bars.. if it was good enough for Martha.. it's good enough for a "man" ( I use that word laughingly) who has committed treason and sent our sons and daughters to their deaths. and now the neighbor is annoyed with the protestors so he starts shooting shotguns in the air? what the hell is wrong with that man.. oh wait.. he's a neighbor of GW.. must be like minded.

GW can't go out and speak to cindy Sheehan, but he can go biking with lance? He can call a press conference to say how sad he is for those people who have lost loved ones but can't walk out his fucking front door to speak to one of them.
shame on him.
Be a fricking human being.. if that is even possible for him... qweefs aren't human are they?

it confounds me how so many people are clueless or perhaps they just don't care about what is going on around them..
I can't understand as I listen to other people who feel the same as I do, why we cant get the bastard out of office.. what is it going to take!?? anyone have an answer for me?
cause I am at a loss..

oh yeah.. and I am FAT!

Sunday, August 14, 2005

man it's good to be back home again......

hello friends..
wondering if I would ever grace these pages again didn't ya.. oh yeah I got calls... it's all good.. we were just taking a much needed and well deserved vacation..
I'm not going to talk about the football game, cause well, I just can't yet.. but other than the game.. we had a spectacular time.. we went to my favorite place in the world.. Pemaquid Point, Maine.. If you have never been to Maine, please before you leave this earth.. make the trip.. we just sat on the rocks, watched the lobstermen bring in their traps, and just relaxed. we had an absolutely beautiful day..

I'm posting more pics on my flickr site.. there are a bunch.. but I am going to put up my favorites.. It really is a most spectacular place.. photos don't do it justice..
I can remember going there as a kid.. I always make a point to go there when I visit home. Spent a lot of time with my family, which I always enjoy.. my aunts are getting older and I don't get to see them as much as I should.. my cousins are well.. a lot older.. and I have to say.. one of my cousins is quite the hunk!
and sweet too! I wish I knew someone to hook him up with.. he is quite the doll.
we also went to sebago lake (photos to come) with another cousin and his family.. 3 small kids.. lots of football and frisbee..
Butter got a little sun poisoning, but she's doing better..
sebago was another one of our haunts in my youth.. I can remember going out there early morning and staying all day long.. I was a little surprised that as much playin around as I did.. my back held up quite well.. I even tossed a cousin in the water and didn't hurt myself.. and could move the next morning..
We stayed with one of my cousins and went out to Old Orchard Beach to have dinner on the pier.. had some lobster and clams.. and there was a guy doing a show that was quite raunchy.. we loved it though.. every time someone put money in his tip jar, everyone in the place yelled "fuckin A" it must be a local guy cause they all knew his routine.. he basically sang songs and heckled the crowd.. and it was a blast.. when we got up to leave he commented "look, the softball team is leaving"(lesbian joke of the day) so I went over and gave him a buck and bowed to the crowd.. hey what the hell it was all in good fun..
we then played on the boardwalk and I kicked ass at whack a lobster.. you had to hit this thing that made a lobster go airborne and you had to get the lobster into a clamshell that was floating in a tank and spinning around the tank.. I got 2 out of 3 and won my gal and my cousin a toy dolphin and shark respectively. had to get some cotton candy for my seester.. and just walked around the boardwalk for a few hours .. it was a lot of fun.. (photos to follow)
anyway.. we had a great time driving around and being together, even though if we never drive the car anywhere again that would be ok.. but we are happy to be home and safe and can't wait to pick up our pup from the puppy club med... granmamma took care of her for a few days.. but she had to go out of town, so club med it was.. can't wait to get her back!
I've been following the story of cindy sheehan the past few days.. I missed a little news so I have to check in and see what's going on in crawford.. last I heard on Air america they might arrest her as being a threat to national security.. but that doesn't seem to have happened.. though if it had, I would hope the nation would be in an uproar about it.. She has every right to ask for a meeting.. but I wish more people would get behind her in her efforts.. it's disgusting how the righ wing media is using her story absolutely disgusting.. she has a blog that she writes on on the huffington blog.. so check it out.. and support and spread the word..
cindy sheehan's blog

so check back for more photos in the coming days.. and thanks to everyone who emailed and called to check up on us to make sure we were ok..
Have been watching the roast of pamela anderson.. and I think the funniest thing so far was my gal Bea Arthur reading from Pam's autobiography.. I nearly peed myself!
love that Bea...

Monday, August 08, 2005


hey all.. checking in after a full day on the coast.. photos to follow when I can upload some..
as some of you have figured out.. my girls did not win the championship.. though they are still champions in my eyes..
They went out there and gave it their all..
and when it was over.. tears flowed.. lots of tears..
but after the game.. we all got together and played.. and remembered that we are a family.. and we had fun.. so much fun in fact that the other team was confused.. they thought we lost.. why weren't we acting like losers.. cause we won regardless of what they might think.
Wanda.. silly girl.. I didn't write on the back of the stall doors.. it was someone else.. I just took a photo of it cause it amused me..
Today we spent hours on the rocky coast of maine.. at a lighthouse.. the most beautiful place on earth I believe.. butter loves it here.. and of course so do I.
I've seen some little cousins I haven't seen in quite some time.. my how time flies..
tomorrow it's the lake, and then a trip to the cemetary to pay my (our) respects.
Hope everyone is well..
plenty of stories.. just not a lot of time at the moment..
talk to ya soon..

Saturday, August 06, 2005

on the road again......

just touching base.. we finally arrived and are all checked in.. had a flat tire in maryland.. thank the gods for pep boys!
have lots of fun stories to share from our 3 hour tour.. our 3 hour tour..
(oh come on .. you know you are singing now! )including fun things written on the back of highway gas station restroom stall doors......
anyway.. just wanted to let everyone know we were safe..
if you love football tune into the game

or link to it from

16 hours till kickoff!!!!!
(ok and it's really late, and I'm really tired.. and though I fixed the typo.. I originally typed 16 whores till kickoff... oy vey!
nighty nite

will let you know how it all turns out..

Thursday, August 04, 2005

Barnes and Noble University

Barnes and noble has the coolest thing.. it's an online course catalogue to enrich your lives and help them sell books!
Today I signed up for Forensics with Court TV
and Money Management for Women (cause that can't be a bad thing!)
You too can enrich your life and buy some books by going to the B&N web site and clicking on the BNU icon..
I have always been fascinated by forensics, it was the career that I was headed in before I found this one. the abundance of criminal investigation shows on TV right now, both drama and actual documentary type stuff is amazing to me.. I can watch till the wee hours of the morning (last night I watched psychic detectives which was also pretty cool! )
So it's a free 4 week class.. I'm thinking there is no diploma at the end or cap and gown.. but hey it's something new.. they've got all kinds of stuff too.. introduction to wine, writing romance novels, all kinds of stuff.. liberal arts, personal growth and a really cool class based on the book Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee
focusing on the experience of American Indian tribes from 1860 to 1890. I might take that one next time.. don't wanna overload.
So check it out.. you might find something you are interested in!

we are still counting down to game day.. will keep you posted!
off to do some work now..

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

For Sarah

In this weird blogging world, we come across people thousands of miles away that we've never even met. Yet we share in their lives, struggles and victories..
Our ring of bloggers has been praying for and keeping good thoughts for our blog friend Sarah, who was struggling after massive chemo and an infection.
Sarah walked into her new life on tuesday.. leaving behind a very loving partner and a great loving wonderful family, and some really caring blog friends ( among many other people I'm sure).. A big ole cyber hug to everyone.. and some M&M's in honor of one who brought us all together in this way..
here is a song that I have always loved.. and when it's my time.. I hope that someone remembers that and has it blaring from a sound system somewhere..
Peace out Sarah.. You fought a good fight...

I Will Remember You
Amy Grant

I will be walking one day
Down a street far away
And see a face in the crowd and smile
Knowing how you made me laugh
Hearing sweet echoes of you from the past
I will remember you.

Look in my eyes while you’re near
Tell me what’s happening here
See that I don’t want to say good-bye
Our love is frozen in time
I’ll be your champion and you’ll be mine
I will remember
I will remember you.

Later on
When this fire is an ember
Later on
When the night’s not so tender
Given time
Though it’s hard to remember darlin’
I will be holding
I’ll still be holding to you
I will remember you.

So many years come and gone
And yet the memory is strong
One word we never could learn
True love is frozen in time
I’ll be your champion and you’ll be mine
I will remember you
So please remember
I will remember you
I will remember you
I will remember you
I will remember you.

LAMAR OUTDOOR ADVERTISING IS HOMOPHOBIC ( or at least they are acting like it at the moment)

a few days ago I blogged about some billboards that the georgia equality project had put together to make people more aware that there are gay people all around you even though you might not realize it. and that we teach, protect and serve...
and one like the one you see above.

I was just seething when I heard about it over the weekend from a local news station website

and I immediately looked up the contact information and fired off a few letters.. if anyone is interested in sending a letter of disgust, you can do so here

Basically the argument of the local manager is that the billboards don't "meet community standards" or something along those lines.. yet on the news yesterday a reporter did a great story about how the GEP billboards don't meet standards, but the billboards for the adult toy store, or the all nude cafe are perfectly fine.
the reporter took copies of the billboard around main street and asked people their opinions.. no one really cared.. didn't think they were bad..
the implication to the locals by saying it doesn't meet community standards is that there is something deviant or sexual about the billboard.. nothing could be further from the truth.. but the fact that the company isn't willing to put them up but offers no real explaination, leaves that door wide open and pisses me off.

It's some good ole boy down in south georgia deciding for an entire community what meets standards.. the company spokesjackass said that they would have made a different decision but they have to stand by what the local manager said..
so get those cards and emails rolling folks.. let Lamar know that you don't appreciate their definition of community standards..

I did it over the weekend and felt a lot better after doing so, of course the weasels didn't even have an autoresponder, nor did anyone address my concerns.. but I guess I don't expect them too..

ouch....I've been tagged....

by sarah... that's gonna leave a mark......

10 Years Ago: I was hanging out in clubs listening to my favorite local rock/punk band.. and immersed in the music scene here.. If it was dark out.. chances are I was out somewhere listening to a band..
it was also the year that we trekked to Austin Texas to record the Jesus Christ Superstar Resurrection video that I spent the bulk of the next several months editing.. (if you are a JCS fan, click the daemon records link on the right of the page and take a listen to a couple of selections from the CD.. you will love it!)
Also the year of the 4 day long 4th of july party at my roommate's and my apartment.. what started as a small get together for the 4th, started on sunday and lasted through wednesday.. the newspaper delivery man was very confused..fortunately our next door neighbors were college sorority girls who were very much the participants in the fun (well they sort of had to or we wouldn't come over to deal with their spiders anymore). The bbq grill never stopped smoking the whole time..

5 Years Ago: I fell in love with the sweetest gal in the world..

Yesterday: Called media outlets, worked on bios, edited some promos, talked to my father.. stayed up till 4:30am

Today: got up a little late..(hey I was up till 4:30!!!) made a bunch of phone calls.. spoke to my mother.. set up some media for tonight's practice.. checked emails.. made some more phone calls..

Tomorrow: talk to my boss about the future.. have coffee with a friend... make some more phone calls.. print out some maps.. work.. try to get some sleep. upload some photos..

5 snacks I enjoy: wheatables, wheat thins, goldfish... bing cherries..lots of crackers lately..

5 bands that I know the lyrics of MOST of their songs: (ok some of these aren't bands) The carpenters, the captain and Tennille, Kelly Clarkson, Barry Manilow,
Amy Ray (cause it's been playing in my truck since I bought it.. ) hmm I'm sure there are more.. but my brain is tired.. most old songs I know most of the words to.

5 things I would do with $100,000,000: Pay off my sister's student loans, give some to my parents. Buy a new car.. take my wife on a real vacation.. invest the rest..

5 bad habits I have: don't excersise enough, eat later in the evening than I should..
forget to close the cabinet doors in the kitchen sometimes.. sleep too late..

5 things I like doing: snuggling on the weekends while watching the food network..
anything with my boo.. gardening.. cooking..

5 things I would never wear: skirts, dresses, high heels.. I'm a tshirt and jeans gal too.

5 TV shows I like: SURVIVOR BAYBEE! forensics files.. anything on late on nick at night.. Reba, Days of Our Lives, QAF. the Lword, Buffy, Angel, Xena, Charmed. ok it's more than 5

5 movies I like: Fried Green Tomatoes, D.E.B.S is a current favorite, Silence Of the Lambs, Candleshoe, Beaches,

5 famous people hmmm. Anne Bancroft, Johnny Carson, Rosa Parks, Gloria Steinem

5 biggest joys at the moment: our nephew, our upcoming niece or nephew, our family, being together, and oh did I mention our nephew?

ok.. I'm not sure who has and hasn't been tagged.. but there.. more information than you ever really wanted to know about me in several short bursts!

now I really have to get back to the workin! y'all have fun.. and no makin fun of my musical selections!

Monday, August 01, 2005 name is....

whew.. it's been a long day.. takin a break from work to blog for a minute and get my head clear....
I've been gathering biographical info on all of my girls all week and had to put a package together that included background info and stats.. which doesn't really sound all that complicated.. but it was quite a task.. I am exhausted.. the radio commentaters need as much background on them as possible for color commentary, since they don't really know our team.
But it's almost all done.. just waiting for the stragglers to turn in their info.. If I don't get it by 5pm tomorrow.. heads are gonna roll.. they were supposed to get it to me by last friday.. but well.. I guess they just didn't think it was going to take me two days to collate and organize stuff on like 50 people.. cause.. well.. I don't have a life or nuthin...!!!
butter and I watched a couple movies today while I was working on it.. "Ice Princess" (she loves disney.. and I have become a fan as well.) and Miss Congeniality 2 .. which was quite funny. I loved Diedrich Bader as the fashion consultant..

hope everyone had a wonderful weekend..
tick tock..tick tock.. T minus 6 days to the championship!!!!