Saturday, April 30, 2005

wow.. it was all cold feet

One the one hand.. thank the gods that Jennifer Willbanks was found alive..
after over a decade working in news, I certainly had my doubts..
there were no leads.. nothing.. nada.. she just vanished.
it was reminiscent of the Shannon Melendi case many years ago.. girl goes to a store.. girl vanishes.. they never found her..
So when I was channel surfing in the middle of the night tonight I was absolutely floored when they reported that Jennifer called home from New Mexico, that she had been kidnapped, that she was alive.. I can't tell you the scene in Duluth, it was an absolute party.. hugs all around.. overjoyed..
Of course everyone suspected the fiancee, ala scott peterson or lori hacking's husband it's almost like we've been programmed to think that the boyfriend/husband did it..
I felt bad for him.. the way everyone was looking at him, talking about him. I felt bad for her mother and father.. I watched her mother break down when someone mentioned the wedding at the press conference yesterday.. and I felt bad for Jennifer..
I can only imagine the stress of having a wedding and having all of those expectations placed upon you and feeling like you were going to explode and not being able to talk to anyone about it. But to go to this extreme.. to leave your family just devastated.. thinking you were dead.. how could ANYONE do that?
The turn of events from friday night to saturday morning was just a rollercoaster ride.. it was like the most amazing news you have ever gotten and then being kicked in the stomach.. It went from the whole family jumping on a plane to go and bring her home to the police moving people away from the front door of the house and back behind police tape when the news came down.. and then just mom and dad were going to pick her up.
I just can't imagine what that guy is going through.. I mean, second thoughts, cold feet, whatever you wanna call it, I understand it happening.. I do..
I just wonder how this woman is going to feel when she sees what this town went through to try to find her.. She has said she hadn't seen the news.. she had no idea
they were looking for her on such a grand scale..
The whole situation is sad.. and yet happy.. There are so many news stories that don't have a good outcome.. ever.. that even as F-ed up as this situation is.. I am so glad that Jennifer Willbanks is alive..
the rest will work itself out in time..

Friday, April 29, 2005


Originally uploaded by atlbiscuit.

Here is the button that came back from the inauguration.. it's too funny not to share!

Here's to good friends...tonight is kinda special.....

I've known my best friend for nearly 17 years.

As friendships go, this one has obviously stood the test of time, temperament and anything else that has been thrown at it. There is no one I can count on more ( my wife and immediate family notwithstanding) for anything in the world.. She's been with me through this latest health crisis, ( and has some really lovely photos of a anesthetized me to blackmail me with at some point....and we have had numerous misadventures over time. When she's out on a business trip, she calls in for morning coffee whenever she can.
So, even though there have been many people in my life that I have weeded out and who have fallen away for one reason or another, this one remains..
Every Sunday now we get together for our "L Word" viewing.. It used to be Xena, our favorite butt kicking gal that would gather us at all hours of the day and night, and sometimes still does, but we always try to get together and have game night or watch a movie.. ( I can still remember the game night where we had been watching Xena on Oxygen and it was followed by "Talk Sex" with Sue Johannsen, a show we had never seen before, and while I was standing in front of the TV doing my charades bit, I happened to turn and Sue was holding the largest sex toy I had ever seen.. we all fell over in laughter and then were strangely silent watching this grandmother talk about multiple orgasms and other topics.. It was quite a sight!
We have had some fun..
We once stayed up almost all night watching a "brady bunch" marathon and played a game that we created where we tried to guess which episode it was in the first couple of minutes of the show, by the dialogue. Or late night "Silence of the Lambs" viewings.. as we both enjoyed watching Jodie Foster.
I often wonder if other people have good friends like that.. someone that they can talk about anything with.. and who aren't afraid to be honest with each other, even if it isn't what you want to hear.. I don't want "yes women" in my life.. there are plenty of those around for the picking..
I'm talking quality people.. Grade A folk..

This past week she has been secretly working on some sort of surprise for my wife and I.. for the life of me I couldn't figure out what.. until last night..
Knowing how much my wife and I enjoy having a nice fire in the fireplace on cold nights, normally I have a cord of wood delivered to the house before the winter.. This year, since I was recovering from the big spine replacment, I really just forgot to do it..
So when my wife called last night to tell me that someone had been to our house and left almost two cords of split firewood alongside the stack, It took me only a second to figure out who it could have been. After all I knew that whatever it was that she was doing was pretty physical as she was exhausted.. but I had no idea that she had cut a whole oak tree down and split it so that next winter we would have all the wood we would ever need.

How many people would do that for you?

I can count on one finger how many people would do that for me..

There are few people in this world that you can truly count on .. I am glad to say that she is one of those people in my life.. and I know that she knows I am the same in her life as well.

Thanks bud.. you probably don't really know how very much you are loved and appreciated.. but you are.. and I am very happy to call you my friend and that you are in my life. I couldn't ask for a better friend.. Love you man!

So, party at my house next winter.. complete with a roaring fire! I'm making dinner!

Thursday, April 28, 2005

Reality TV..VH1.. and weasels

Reality TV
I love it..
From the Surreal life to AI to Survivor..
I am a reality tv whore..
The arguments are out there, that reality tv takes away from the working actors
Because networks are relying more and more on reality and less on scripted programming
But lets be real, the offerings that they have given us in the way of programming are well,
Lame at best.. I tried to like “the office” I really did.. but unfortunately when we Americans try to take a british program and Americanize it, the humor just doesn’t work.. it happens time and time again ( remember the last show.. “coupling”?)
So, rock and roll’s Constantine went down in a blaze of glory..
It wasn’t his time..
Simon told Scott to pack his bags..
He should have been the one to go home..
Not my rock and roller boy..
I’m not worried though, his band already has a record contract..
He will go far..
Probably further than being an American idol would ever take him..
Good luck Constantine..

So I am waiting for Survivor to come on..
Waiting to see what will happen to Stephanie..
Will she be able to change up the game?
Or will she go home..
Will have to wait cause shrub is on TV talking about social insecurity..
The weasel as I like to call him..
I can’t stand to listen to him speak.. cause inevitably he will laugh..
Heh heh heh
His evil little laugh..
The only good thing about him getting re-elected (if you wanna call it that, since he was never elected the first time to begin with) is that he can’t run again..
Of course he will leave the country in horrendous debt and needing life support, but he will be gone.
I pray that someone better will take his place.
It’s time a woman was in power.. we would not be in the state we are in if a woman was in power.. anyone but condi rice.. she scares me.. she is a puppet of the big weasel..
High ho high ho, it’s time for them to go.

Now on to eric
Back during the time when I was a struggling student in LA,
I used to watch VH1 all the time..
I tuned in to watch this hysterical woman veejay
Every day she would introduce herself as some musician and have a chat..
Sometime around the time of “dirty dancing” ( no one puts baby in a corner.. dammit!)
We were introduced to a singer named Eric Carmen.
With each video his hair got more and more ridiculous..
Every day for a couple of weeks, this VJ would crack on his silly hair..
I would tune in to see what she said that day..
And I would laugh.. and laugh
Fast forward to the mid 90’s
AOL had just become mildly popular..
I was an insomniac who worked nights, I would go online and chat with women till all hours.
There was a little chat room in aol called “Women’s Space” it was mostly where all the lesbians hung out.. we would talk about anything and everything.. One night they were talking about this VJ now turned actress.
So I started talking about Eric Carmen..
I got an IM from this person asking me if I was someone named Julie ( I think that was the persons name, but can’t really remember) who used to write letters about Eric Carmen and I assume his hair.
I said no, that wasn’t me but told her my name and that I worked in Atlanta in television.. and I chatted with this person, never knowing if they were who they said they were, but hey it was like 2 or 3 in the morning and I had someone to chat with.. so what the heck.. I was happy.. it’s the little things sometimes.. and if you have ever come home to an empty house late at night with no one to talk to, well, a chat room at the time was my link to the outside world.
I was told something that day that made me think that I was speaking to this person, only because at the time it wasn’t common knowledge, and it was an upcoming project that a few weeks later was announced. Before the conversation was over I told her that if she was ever in Atlanta to be sure to come by for an interview.. ( or a beverage!)
I never told anyone the non public information that I was told that night, I was honored to have been confided in.
I can only assume that’s who it was.. though I never really knew for sure.
I never spoke to the woman again, but was always happy that I had been able to chat with them for just a moment.. about something so silly as Eric Carmen’s hair.
So that is my cryptic little Eric Carmen had really bad hair story..
If I wrongly assumed I spoke to someone that I didn’t.. well that’s cool.. someone was just F-ckn with me.. either way I had a nice conversation with someone for a little while.. regardless of who they might have been. and no, I don't think that this person will remember the interaction, it has always just been a fun memory even if I may have been played..
So anyway..
In the news this week
A woman vanished..
Went for a jog and never came home…
She was supposed to get married this Saturday
500 guests
no bride..
I fear what has happened to her.. and I hope to god she just got cold feet and ran off.. but it’s looking more and more like she didn’t.. I can only imagine what that family is going through. I thought about getting the football team together to help volunteer to look 40 something pairs of eyes could be useful.. but today they weren’t using volunteers at first..
It’s been a very sad week here news wise..
A 2 yr old and a 3 year old wandered away from home last weekend..
They found them both drowned..
I wondered if one of them fell in and the other somehow tried to help..
They tried to blame the parents.. but 3 year olds can disappear in the blink of an eye..
They had escaped the day before and the parents went out and bought extra locks for the doors..
They never had a chance to put them on ….sad

Tribal council is happening now..
It’s not looking good 3 votes steph..

Steph is going home.. :(:(:(:(:(
Now I don’t care who wins..
I don’t even care to watch I think..
I am very emotional at the moment.. maybe I will change my mind..
I doubt it..

it's been a bad week for everyone I like on my reality TV shows..
and last week's L word was really lame.. oh now I'm just annoyed..

I'm really proud of Steph.. she went farther than I think even she thought she would.. good on ya
and of constantine too.. he fought the good fight..

Monday, April 25, 2005

Not Fonda Spitting

Jane Fonda… I admire her so much.
A fellow Atlantan, she is one of those people like Cher who keep reinventing themselves..
I admire that..
She has been traveling around the country doing book signings this past couple of weeks..
And the other day, a Vietnam veteran spat on her..
Not just regular old spitting.. a big honkin mouthful of chaw.. (chewing tobacco for you other yanks )
Yeah ok.. I know.. she was a war protestor way back when.. and even now..
I wanna know what kind of man waits patiently in a line, hocks up a big one, spits on a woman and then RUNS AWAY!
Yup.. runs away..
What a coward.
And Jane, she wiped herself off and kept signing autographs while the police had to chase the coward down. She refused to press charges.. I would have.. not only that I would have chased him down and gotten in his face about it.
His excuse? The suspect, is a Vietnam Vet, who told the Kansas City Star that Fonda was a traitor who – quote “spit in our faces for 37 years”. I have seen what war does to people.. it isn’t pretty.. however, you wanna get up in her face and call her a traitor? Fine..
I guess I was raised better than that. ( hell even neal boortz agrees with me on that one.. and he is no jane fonda fan)
How many times does she have to apologize?
This all happened well before my time, but I cannot imagine that this person ( I will NOT call him a “man” cause he isn’t one.” Has been sitting back planning this little event..
Has he got nothing better to do with his life?
War sucks..
People die..
And people.. some people will ALWAYS be opposed to it.. That’s what this country is all about.. I've heard plenty of soldiers in the iraq war speak out about our right to oppose the war..
I’ve met Ms. Fonda twice.. once at an earth day concert, and once when we were both on the same morning radio show.. She was not what I expected at all.. I guess I expected a big entourage, and there was none and here was this woman standing with a bunch of football players in a parking lot, telling them what a wonderful thing it was that they were doing. And off she went.. alone..
For whatever she did 30 something years ago, she has done a lot of good since then..
She founded G-CAPP
The Georgia Campaign for Adolescent Pregnancy Prevention a worthy program that promotes the healthy development of children. It’s a very cool program..
This year she was the recipeint of an award that my station gives out for her charity work...
I don't understand why it is that people are still harboring a grudge against her for something she said 30 sum odd years ago. It's sad.. She is a wonderful person, who has more than made up for what she did.. Hell, I'm surprised no one has spat in my face for all of the anti war speak I have been spouting off over the past year or so..
so my hat is off to Jane, for overcoming all the things that life has had in store for her, and wiping herself off and keepin on..

GROUP SEX!!!!!!!!

This morning I'm sure there are other Atlantans who are groggy and chugging coffee at work after a very late night last night.
Amy Ray had her new album release and show at the Variety Playhouse.. I LOVE this album, it's kind of 80's punk, very political and lots of fun.. my favorite song "let it ring" is an anthem and I LOVE it.

Let It Ring

When you march stand up straight.
When you fill the world with hate
Step in time with your kind and
Let it ring

When you speak against me
Would you bring your family
Say it loud pass it down and
Let it ring

Let it ring to Jesus ‘cause he sure’d be proud of you
You made fear an institution and it got the best of you
Let it ring in the name of the one that set you free
Let it ring

As I wander through this valley
In the shadow of my doubting
I will not be discounted
So let it ring

You can cite the need for wars
Call us infidels or whores
Either way we’ll be your neighbor
So let it ring

Let it ring
in the name of the man that set you free
Let it ring

And the strife will make me stronger
As my maker leads me onward
I’ll be marching in that number
So let it ring

I’m gonna let it ring to Jesus
Cause I know he loves me too
And I get down on my knees and I pray the same as you
Let it ring, let it ring
‘Cause one day we’ll all be free
Let it ring

the other song that I am drawn to is "Rural Faggot"
which is kind of a coming out song in the south.
part of it goes as follows:

I’m just a magnet for the rural faggots.
They come and knock on my door
Just to find they’re running out of time
To figure out what they come here for.

I know you want to know the truth
And I’m the dyke who will give it to you.
By this time next year
you’ll know you’re queer
It’ll all be okay
It’ll all be clear
And you’ll run away from home
But not to be alone
And you’ll go down to the city
Where the boys are pretty

And where you feel strong
Strong enough to stay
Strong enough to be
A country boy who’s gay.

check out her album here

The entire show was rocking.. and after Amy played.. Group Sex took the stage..
This is a band made of members of other bands who do covers of all of the best that 80's rock has to offer.. from Prince to Ozzy (and occasionally Rick Springfield's "Jesse's Girl" just for fun.)
The crowd was raucous, Tanner at one point stage diving into the crowd.. The band did a version of amy's song "compromise" which was really cool.. and then Emily came out and did "Play that funky music" which had to be the most fun, cause they all looked like they were having a ball.
Of course they covered "Closer to fine" with the whole crowd singing along.
Group Sex is a band that doesn't play out all that often, in fact the last time they played was 2 years ago.. so when you find out they are playing, you just book the day.. knowing that is where you need to be to experience it.. there is something about an all girl band just rippin on guitars and covering some serious rock.. it is a religious experience. I danced for the first time in a few years.. and while I was afraid to get up in the morning.. I woke up in no pain.. and thanked the gods!

Amy by herself is pretty much an experience. If you like punk-ish music..
But group sex is just fun ( hey get yer mind outta the gutter.. i'm talking bout the band!) hi Turtle!
The lead singer of the band was front and center in the mosh pit years ago when we went out to clubs.. many a night was spend slamming into each other and having a ball.. It was interesting last night in that the name of Amy's album is "Prom" ( and the photos in the album are PRICELESS! and it's kind of a meandering through high school and the events that go on in your life during that time, so within the crowd of partygoers were people I haven't seen in 10 years or so, people we went clubbing with almost every night.. people who spend 4 days on my deck when a 4th of July party just refused to die.. so, here are all these people last night, hugging hello, asking "how you been?" and vowing to be better about keeping in touch. These were people that were like a second family.. we had christmas in July together one year since we had all gone home for the holidays and we wanted to have one for ourselves.. and yet, with time, we have all fallen away from each other, in our daily lives, which sometimes happens, and sometimes needs to happen.. a cleansing of people is sometimes a good thing.. but all it takes is one monumental show, and there we all are..
We took a "reunion" photo, which fit well with the theme of the album.. It was a blast..the whole evening.. Will we keep in touch? probably not.. will we see each other at other shows.. oh.. most definitely.. but as I looked at my wife, and the group that we actually went to the show with; 3 couples and a couple of single friends,the bells went off and I realized that like high school friends, time changes you and the people you choose to have in your life..

Let it Ring....

Friday, April 22, 2005

The Grand Basilica

Originally uploaded by atlbiscuit.

It's been a busy few days....
my grandfather and his brothers and fathers were church builders..
Catholic churches..
in New England..
I grew up in a small mill town in New England..
Family lived within blocks of each other..
Sunday was a day for family.. and church, not necessarily in that order..
Bean suppers on saturdays.. and lots of love.
So this grand church, that I recall always being pointed out to me as a child as the church that my grandfather built.. it is a proud part of our heritage..
So when Pope John Paul designated this church to become a basilica, the only one in the state and one of only roughly 50, it was a pretty big deal. It was one of the last things he did before he died..
There are many criteria for this designation.. a special nod from the vatican, that you are worthy of the term..
Words can't describe the pride..
This huge stone church was built by hand.. they didn't have cranes back then.. just pulleys and ropes and strong men.. the yellowed photo album, brought out when we are all together..
going through the history of things..
wondering if I will remember all of what I am being told to pass on later in life..
Notes are a good thing..
So, now the mayor will recognize the surviving family members in a ceremony during the week of festivities before the dedication mass..
For years I have heard about how the brothers that built this church never got the recognition they deserved.. the architects always got it, but not the men who did the work... and let me tell you.. they did some work..
the franco american community built this church literally with nickles and dimes.. a little at a time.. I believe it was nearly 30 years from start to finish..but what a grand church it is..
I am happy that for my mother, her sisters and brothers and my aunt.. the eldest remaining member of the original family and for all who are children of the brothers.. that they will finally get their due.
I think everyone is so shocked that they aren't sure that it is real or what to think.. it's one of those things where, well, the people in the town know the history.. why didn't they just do it before.. and well.. the squeaky wheel gets the grease is what I say.. I made one phone call.. that got the ball rolling.. and here we go..
I hope that I will be able to make it home for the festivities..
I'm hopeful..
in the meantime I will coordinate things from here.. so far the media has been good, so that's one thing I don't have to worry about.. they are hungry for the story.. all I have to do is point them in the right direction..
so back to the phones..
see ya in blogworld!

Tuesday, April 19, 2005

a big fluffy biscuit

ok.. so since there have been questions.. I will now explain the phenomenon that is
the biscuit
or as the team doc likes to call me el biscuite
a few years ago, when my partner's niece was 2, and on a rare moment when we saw her, they were all trying to get her to say my name.. well.. she's 2 she couldn't quite get it all out.. what did come out was "Biscuit"
we were all amused.. it was cute.. so it became my nickname.. everyone on my football team has a nickname, and when they asked me for mine, naturally I said Biscuit.. so now that's what I respond to, in addition to several other names.. so after 3 years of football, they have taken to calling my partner "butter"
biscuit and butter.. we are a team..
now there was one small incident where someone thought her nickname was "gravy" which brought on a whole host of amusing comments..
but until we come up with a better nickname.. I am ..the biscuit.. fluffy and full of layers.. :)

How can you NOT love this gal!

Originally uploaded by atlbiscuit.

I am eagerly awaiting this week's Survivor episode.. I am totally just enamored with Stephanie Lagrossa.. Survivor extrordinaire! The lone survivor of the Ulong tribe!
I truly hope that Tom and Ian are being real when they say they want her to be in the final four.. in all the years of survivor I don't think there is anyone who is more deserving of being there!
Go Steph! we are cheerin you on all the way!

Viva El Papa!

(long live the pope)

So.. we have a new Pope.. Joseph Ratzinger..
Or as he will now be known Pope Benedict XVI
I was hopeful that they would elect someone who would move the faith forward, perhaps allowing women to become more of a part of the church.
I have always wondered in my Catholic upbringing why the Nuns in my particular church seemed to do all of the work, tending to the sick and disenfranchised, while the priests took up huge collections for a new home to be built for the priests.. You should have seen this home.. It had fireplaces in the bedrooms and a huge pool. Certainly not a home for a servant of the Lord who was espoused to not care about material possessions..
And the Nuns?
They lived in a Dormitory near the hospital..
Hardly seemed fair, and probably colored my views of my own religious upbringing.

This new Pope I hear, was a member of the Hitler Youth..
A fact that allegedly is not disputed by the Vatican, but instead spun into a tale that all the boys in his village were forced to join in..
Now other villagers say this claim is false.. but his family is allegedly firmly anti-Nazi..
Still though an interesting choice as the Shepard to the Catholic flock..

I would have preferred the Brazilian or the Nigerian; perhaps they would have a better grasp of the world we live in today.. Perhaps they would move the faith forward..
Loosening the restrictions on birth control, and changing the language as it pertains to us gay folk.. John Paul’s statements on gays were quite harsh, and didn’t make me wanna run back to church by any stretch of the imagination.

So, whatever Benedict XVI’s past is, we shall see what he has in store for the future, sadly there are many disappointed people in the world today..

Fortunately for me, I pray to my god, not a man in long flowing robes who lives a very contained life in the Vatican.. How can someone be effective if they don’t look at what is going on around them and make a change for the better?
The ceremonies witnessed the past couple of weeks with the funeral of JP and the election of the new pope may be mired in ritual, but it is archaic and not representative of the world we live in today.

Hells Bells

Much confusion at the Sistine chapel today.. smoke.. white.. black.. no one knows..
people cheering.. but they are supposed to ring the bells.. so the crowds cheer and then apparently the 6pm bell started to toll.. confusing everyone all the more..

oh the bells are ringing now.. we have a pope

let's hope this one is a little more inclusive.

I've let my Catholicism go, as I am not wanted in my own church..


I've been banned from someones blog.. not really sure why.. could be a glitch in the system.. was writing a lovely little note about people who have enhanced our lives.. but I don't think I've ever been banned before..
I was speaking about a teacher I had in high school, who saved me.. I found a plaque in a store once that I got for her.. it said
"you have touched me...I have grown" I take that sentiment with me a lot when having personal interactions with people.. do they add something to my life? are they a sucking the life out of me? there are different kinds of people in our lives.. sometimes friends that you have who you think you will never lose, go in and out of your life. and sometimes you just have to walk away from people who are toxic to your life.. lessons to learn..
anyway.. since I couldn't leave the sentiments about this wonderful person in my life there.. I thought I would leave them here..
changing schools as a junior in high school at the time felt like the end of the world.. it obviously wasn't.. but at the time.. it was everything. I withdrew.. spending all of my time listening to The Carpenters in my room.. I went to this teacher and begged to be let onto the yearbook staff.. which was full already.. I don't know why she decided to let me in, but she did, and it completely changed my life. within a few weeks I was working as the photographer for the staff and would continue that role through graduation. In that time we had many chats, learned a lot about myself and her as well.. she was one of those teachers that would do anything to get students to learn. if she had to jump up on a desk.. she was there.. she was very animated. I loved her.
The hurricanes in florida destroyed her home.. I've checked in and they are rebuilding.. but for the time when phones were down and no one could find anyone there I was scared.. all is well though..
at our 10 year reunion she told me.. she always knew about me.. even when I didn't.. "I wish you would have said something." I said to her"
"you had to figure it out for yourself.." she replied.. and she was right I suppose
but it would have saved me a few years of frustration!
so thanks DW.. you saved me.. and I appreciate it.. I would have been a much different person today had I stayed locked in my room.. sullen and angry ( the same time! as elvira kurt would say)

peace out

Sunday, April 17, 2005

3 and 0

what an incredible game my girls played last night.. it was like a ballet with pads and helmets.. We played a team that has been in the playoffs 2 years in a row, and that had never lost a game in the regular season.. and we completely SHUT THEM DOWN!
Our defense was amazing.. the other team did not make a first down the entire game.. with the exeption of one penalty, they simply could not move the ball past the chains.. defense was flawless.. couple that with some really amazing runs 53 yards for a td... and we had a great game.. in front of over 600 fans.. the best part about the whole thing was watching all of the little girls come up to the players after the game to get autographs and photos.. some of these girls come from small towns where they have the highest pregnancy and dropout rate in the country.. and if showing them that there is something else out there is something that we can do, then that is a wonderful thing.. they were so excited.. even some of the boys couldn't wait to get their tshirt signed or their poster.. it was truly fun to watch.. I may post some pictures in a bit.. just so you can see the connection they made..
So we now hit the road for a few games.. and continue to run on the high that we were on after the game.. course one of the tv stations had highlights which we watched at the after party and they looked goooooood.
more later..

Friday, April 15, 2005

the innocence of children

Why can’t we all be more like children?
Wide eyed, open to the world..
Full of questions and wonder
We prepare to open our hearts to one..
Not now
But soon enough
I think back fondly, all my cousins, little ones at the time
Entering college now..
Time goes so quickly.
they no longer fit on my knee

Little N,
So full of love
Hugs and kisses all around
He doesn’t know he has two aunts
He only knows he has two people that love him dearly
Squirmy and full of life..
That sweet baby smell
And formula
He’s the cutest thing in the world..
I’m biased
Pictures in my office
Of this little wonder boy
Golden curly locks and big beautiful blue eyes
I am a proud aunt-in-law
And I show him off to anyone who wanders by

Babysitting on new years eve
So mommy and daddy could go out to play..
No where else I would rather be
A child.. no hate.. only love
We can’t help but pick something up for him
Every time we shop
It’s fun to shop for babies..
I could go in debt
But we control ourselves
Even though we don’t really want to..
Noisy toys and little outfits
A cowboy and some frogs
Baseball caps and overalls
And kitty cats and dogs
Some day we will shop for a little one at home
In the meantime we count the days till we see little N again
Hoping he will remember us
And knowing that kisses and hugs await..

hi, I am a survivor addict

coby coby coby.. you shot your mouth off just a little too much tonight.. I can't blame them for voting you off..
my girl Steph is still hanging on!
I was desperately worried for her on that big island all alone..
I mean.. well sort of alone.. she did have the camera crew there.. I doubt they would have let anything happen to her..
but she is the ultimate survivor.. though it was a big risk to jump off that perch for some pizza.. fortunately the boys were looking our for her.. we were both nervous for her.. what if she went through all of this for nothing..
She's definitley a cutie and we are rootin for her to go all the way!

It is good to know that tom and Ian are on her side.. but the Koror tribe isn't what it appears.. one big happy isn't as happy as it seems.

Should be interesting from here on out..
Now I have watched every episode of survivor from the beginning.. and this was shaping up to be one boring season.. I mean.. not ONE challenge won by ulong? it was getting downright depressing... but as long as Steph is around I will continue to watch cause she has beaten the odds so far.. I hope her luck continues.

Friday, April 08, 2005

Euthanasia in Lagrange, Georgia

*Culled from internet sources including worldnet daily


In a situation recalling the recent death of Terri Schiavo in Florida, an 81-year-old widow, denied nourishment and fluids for nearly two weeks, is clinging to life in a hospice in LaGrange, Ga., while her immediate family fights desperately to save her life before she dies of starvation and dehydration.
Mae Magouirk was neither terminally ill, comatose nor in a "vegetative state," when Hospice-LaGrange accepted her as a patient about two weeks ago upon the request of her granddaughter, Beth Gaddy, 36, an elementary school teacher.

The dehydration is being done in defiance of Magouirk's specific wishes, which she set down in a "living will," and without agreement of her closest living next-of-kin, two siblings and a nephew: A. Byron McLeod, 64, of Anniston, Ga.; Ruth Mullinax, 74, of Birmingham, Ala.; and Ruth Mullinax's son, Ken Mullinax.
Magouirk's husband and only child, a son, are both deceased.
In her living will, Magouirk stated that fluids and nourishment were to be withheld only if she were either comatose or "vegetative," and she is neither. Nor is she terminally ill, which is generally a requirement for admission to a hospice.

Claiming that she held Magouirk's power of attorney, Gaddy had her transferred to Hospice-LaGrange, a 16-bed unit owned by the same family that owns the hospital. Once at the hospice, Gaddy stated that she did not want her grandmother fed or given water.

"Grandmama is old and I think it is time she went home to Jesus," Gaddy told Magouirk's brother and nephew, McLeod and Ken Mullinax. "She has glaucoma and now this heart problem, and who would want to live with disabilities like these?"

Ken Mullinax does not want that to happen to his aunt. He pointed out that one of the ironies in this tragedy is that the now-helpless woman worked for years as a secretary for a prominent local cancer doctor.
"She devoted her whole life to helping those who heal others, and now she's being denied sustenance for life," he said.
Mullinax said he has begged Gaddy to let him take on full responsibility for his aunt's care.
"If she would just give us a chance to keep Aunt Mae alive, that's all we ask," he said. "They [Beth and her husband, Dennis Gaddy] have a family and Beth is a teacher, and it was just getting to be a lot of trouble. But I'm the caregiver for my mom, and Aunt Mae could move in with us. We'll buy another house with a bedroom and we'll take care of her. She can move in with us once she can leave the hospital."

A ceremony of Love

5 years ago today
I walked down an aisle
In a church
With the one that I love

In front of our friends
And family
We stood
We vowed
To love
In sickness
In health
For richer
For poorer
For better
For worse
Death will not part us..
We will find each other again
Looking down that aisle as the song began
I cried
Never thinking this day would ever come
That I would find the person I was meant to be with
But I did
And I am
And we are

The mothers lighting a candle
That signified our unity
Our bond
My sister, the person I was most afraid of telling my secret
Stood by me
Gave me to my new family
Embraced my loved one into ours
My father standing proud

1825 days later
We have loved
We have honored
There has been sickness
and the realities of life..

Yet we remain

Happy Anniversary Boo.. You mean more to me
than words could ever convey
You are my heart
You are my life.


Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Johnnie L. Cochran Jr. ~ 1937-2005

Originally uploaded by atlbiscuit.

Fearless Living

It’s been a while since I have written,
Life having gotten busy.
Football is in full swing..
Women on the field
Kicking ass
take that!

We are 2-0

Fear is an ugly thing..
It makes you stand still
It makes you shake
It turns you into a different person
I am afraid..
Afraid of what I am, what I will become
Where I have been, what I have learned..
Who I have hurt, who has hurt me

Just afraid.
It’s a new thing for me.

On the sun porch the realization
of fear
Shone through like the rays of light onto the
purring cat on the floor.

I met a life coach..
The guru as she is called
She teaches people to be fearless
I think I need a lesson

“Live the life your soul intended”
Is the mantra..
I like it..

Be fearless..

I invite you to challenge your own fears.. whatever they may be..
I’m reading a book called

Fearless Living: Live without Excuses and Without Regret

If the woman who lived and wrote this book can get over her fear.. she is the one to teach us how to get over ours..

I can't ever get this link thing to work.. but check our for more info