Sunday, July 31, 2005

Lesbian super heroes

so my friend.. pictured below.. has been hounding us to see a movie that she loves (ok not hounding.. how bout gently prodding?)
so today we settled in for some indian food from the best place in Atlanta, and a double feature..
ok.. if you have not seen the movie D.E.B.S and you are a lesbian.. well what are you waiting for?
consider it homework from biscuit..
it's a fun little romp.. (no pun intended) and it has the HOTTEST evil villan (jordana Brewster is her name for those of you who wanna google right now..)
I have seen in quite some time.. or maybe ever...
and Holland Taylor.. whom I adore in most anything.
Campy.. and fun..
it's definitely on the must rent.. ( we have decided it needs to go into our collection of videos)
So like, go out and get it would ya.... you'll be glad you did..

thanks for the gentle prodding T.... it was fun.. and Zykaa yummmmmmmmmy!

getting to know youuuuuuu

Got this from the lovely and talented Anne T.B.. as a way to get to know each other better

In my world people call me Biscuit, pumpkin(my daddydoes) and many other nicknames

I believe that family is the most important thing in life.

I love my wife more than anything in the world.

I am adopted.. I met my birth mother about 5 years ago.. we chat often

My biological brother is also gay

I started dyeing my hair recently to cover up the gray

I work in television

I rarely drink alcohol.

I also believe caller ID is a wonderful invention.

I love to garden

I check my E-mail first thing each morning and most afternoons and before I go to bed.. I think I need to enroll in a program..

My main liquid is diet coke

I need to lose more weight

I have a problem with clutter

We bought our house cause we fell in love with the ROCK'N fireplace..

I used to be a great photographer.. haven't done it seriously in quite some time..

I love to cook

I too suck at poker.

I don't sleep much even though I love to..

I know the nick at night schedule by heart because of the above fact.

we have a wall of family photos that is about 20 feet long and covered in photos..

I call my sister "seester" and sing her songs when I leave her messages on her answering machine.. cause it's more fun than just leaving a message.. (at least for me.. different songs each time.. I make up lyrics.. today it was "sunshine on my seester makes me happy....sunshine on my seester makes me smile...." you get the idea.. there is also the tom jones "she's a lady.. that I will share another time.

I want to be a clean freak.

I am horrendously allergic to any biting insect, as a child, I looked like a leper many summers and wouldn't wear shorts.

I have an Emmy Award

I am scared to get the call that tells me my parents have passed away.

I love the Carpenters.. and always have.. to the amusement of others.... Karen Carpenter was a goddess!

I too have no tolerance for people who lie,
cheat on their spouses, or sleep around.

I used to be a doormat

I can't balance a checkbook.

I miss my dog

I want to learn how to create stained glass pieces

I don't have the patience to read books

I love blogging and reading blogs

I drive an old pickup truck

I am a weather junkie.. once stood outside in an ice storm to watch trees fall and look at all the ice...

I used to have a cat named snoopy who though she was a dog.

I edited a full length music video that you used to be able to buy on the internet but is now out of print.

My friends are more like my family.

I'm glad that my partner's parents have invited me into their lives and I enjoy spending time with them.

I can't fold shirts worth a darn

I have a wild hair on my face that I have to trim often.

and finally..

I hate to shop..

Saturday, July 30, 2005

ahhhh the advertising biz

someone shared this with me today and I had to pass it on..
it isn't what it appears to be by the title of the link.. I promise..
I don't know if it's a real ad or not.. but it was funny and strange both at the same time..
dog advertisement

It's friday.. butter dropped her phone in the commode (as she was walking in.. not after it had been used) and spoke to a really nasty guy at the phone company.. (rhymes with singular :) she was so flustered she didn't get his name.. she was rather upset.. you see just about a month or so ago she accidentally sent her phone through a short wash in the washing machine.. it's now april fresh.. but won't make a call.. so she was understandably upset with her situation. fortunately she had her old phone so she just put the sim card in .. she managed to keep that phone for several years.. but for some reason has been having a phone/water issue.. it's all good though.. shit happens..

it's friday.. yipee! we have football practice in the am and then off to shop in the georgia tax free holiday to get ready for school. it's kind of a cool program.. you can shop tax free for anything related to school including clothes I think..
so we are gonna pick up a few things and then it's home to veg.. we have a couple movies to watch DEBS and the Pacifier..
ahhh.. hope everyone has a great weekend.. go check out the movie.. really I promise it will make you smile.. and watch it twice.. notice the facial expressions and the music the second time..

Thursday, July 28, 2005

safe driving workshop

don't worry.. no parallel parking here..
but after the story about the horrible accident yesterday, I thought I would give you the tips that our car car clinic instructor gave on the news last night..
Most of it is common sense but the second one I hadn't ever given a second thought to.. I always try to stay out of the outer lanes..

1. Know what's around you
2. Stay out of the center lane at all cost... the emergency lanes and shoulder provide an automatic escape route..
3. distraction slows reaction no phone call or CD is worth slamming into the back of a ton of steel and bursting into flames.
4. know the "NO ZONE" basically that little sticker on the back of most 18 wheelers that say "If you can't see my mirrors, I can't see you." apparently it's true..

another news station had a guy on who said basically
If you find yourself in a situation between two tractor trailers and someone slams on the brakes, it's best to brake and evade, or swerve.. hopefully most people around you will be trying to avoid the situation as well, so an accident with a car in an adjacent lane is much better than getting smushed.

Just be aware... I try to stay away from tractor trailers at all costs.. I don't like them, I never know what they are gonna do.. defensive driving is the key..
and be aware of your surroundings may sound like common sense. but it might just keep you alive..

peace and safety

sigh of relief and random musings

all is good.. I am going to get to go and see my girls play in the national championship football game..
everything worked out just as it should have..
There was an absolutely horrific car accident here today.. one car.. maybe two got crushed in between two semi trucks, when someone ahead of them stopped short..
the car(s) instantly burst into flames.. It was just horrible..
Whoever was in that car never had a chance.. All I can do is hope that it was quick and painless. It was so bad that the coroner just followed the car to the impound lot to see what they could figure out.. We couldn't even figure out what kind of car or truck it was.. it looked like it may have been an SUV. I just can't describe it.
I don't like driving near semi trucks.. I stay away from them as much as possible, and certainly wouldn't get in between two of them. They just scare me.. Sometimes they drive so fast and are so close to you that you can't even make out their headlights in your own rear view mirror. there is no way that they could stop if they had too.
There is an article (in the online version an excerpt from the article) in Harper's magazine about Christians in America.. it's called "the christian paradox; how a faithful nation gets Jesus wrong."
It's definitely interesting.. I'm gonna go out and get the magazine so I can read the whole thing.
We did a story a couple days ago about new mosquito repellants.. I was all excited cause it was talking about the stuff I got from the passamaquoddy indians in maine and have been using.. it's all natural and smells great.. called buzz off
check it out.. I shoulda put some on before I went outside when the tree guy was here.. I got eaten alive!
It has been so hot here.. I mean I know they call it HOTlanta.. but this is ridiculous.. it's like we moved to florida and no one told us.. cept we don't get the daily rainstorm at 4 in the afternoon that cools everything down..
the haze was so bad today you couldn't see the downtown skyline.. It is unbearable.. I feel bad for anyone who has to work outside in this.. It's just so miserable.
Here's hopin it rains soon.. it's supposed to in the next couple days..
We got some movies of our precicous little nephew a few days ago.. he is absolutely adorable.. the first was his masterful effort to eat cheerios out of a bowl with a spoon.. of course he mastered it.. and had this little grin on his face after he pulled the spoon out of his mouth.. not like a big grin just a lil something..
the other was showing us how much mommy and daddy loved him.. "this much" pointing to his hand.. it was cute..
So, off to get some work done..
Hope everyone is well.. and keep a good thought for Sarah as she continues to fight.. I check her sisters and partner's blog to see how she is doing a couple times a day.. I'm willin my fight to her.. if you haven't checked out her family's blog.. here is the link
sarah's family

oh.. I've been looking around for that info on iraq and the torture of children.. I'm finding stuff back to 2004 talking about this.. I was listening to a "best of" randi rhodes, so maybe it was an old show.. still disgusting.. and hopfuly not being done now.. but at some point it was happening..
Y'all have a great thursday.. I've got some tivo to catch up on while I work..

Wednesday, July 27, 2005

two sets of rules

seems the queef administration is going to withold some documents relating to the nomination of John Roberts to the supreme court.. among them.. they are not going to submit his tax returns..
ALL justices before him have had to supply the 3 prior years tax statements during the confirmation hearings.. one has to wonder why they don't want that information made public.. could it be cause he's getting kickbacks from oh haliburton and other companies who work with the Queef administration? methinks something smells bad..
Also other documents relating to when he worked for both reagan and the first Queef 1.
So basically they are trying to keep any and all information that would give any of us a clue as to what this guy is really like and how he has argued things in the past secret so that he slides through the confirmation and then the forked tongue will appear.. it's called bait and switch..
everyone else who has ever been appointed to the supreme court has had one set of rules.. but this guy because he is part of team queef has a different set of rules..
in my house well.. that just doesn't go over very well..
I highly recommend listening to Air America (AA) radio if you are of the belief that this administration is guilty of treason, among other things... it will make you feel a little bit better knowing that there are others out here that aren't blind to what is going on.. Randi Rhodes and Mike Malloy are my two favorites.. Franken is ok too.. but I prefer randi and mike.. I don't get to hear Janeane garafalo much cause she's on when I am at work..

Interesting things I have read lately that scare me, but I haven't had a chance to investigate much.. Troops who are acting on behalf of we americans are raping and torturing iraqi children with their parents watching in a effort to extract information from the parents.. this DISGUSTS me like I can't even tell you. I'm going to check on it more.. or if anyone has heard anything.. post it here so I can figure out what this is all about.. it's disgusting to say the least.. and if it's true.. well I just don't even know what to think.. everytime i think they can't get any worse they do something that is just unbelievable..

more later.. check our AA

Tuesday, July 26, 2005


So here I sit just after midnight.. in Limbo..
Our trip to new england is in limbo..

I have to wait till the morning to figure out what to do.. the more time ticks away the more expensive plane fares will get.. if that's what ends up happening.. what we thought was going to be a great trip home, now has me all stressed out wondering if we are even going to be able to make the trip at all..

current mood bummed out

hopefully it's just a miscommunication..

great start to the week.. argh.. '

Saturday, July 23, 2005

CHAMPIONSHIP BOUND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


in an extremely intense game.. kicker jess martin put a field goal up in the 7th minute of the first quarter making the socre 3-0 and that would be the only score put up on the board all night long..
it was IN-TENSE
I am exhausted and I didn't even play..

congratulations girls!!!!
see you in new hampshire!

Countdown to Kickoff!!!!!!

howdy friends and neighbors!
it's about 2 hours till kickoff! We're heading over to a friend's house to listen to the game and get some latin food and hang out.. she's been out of town for a month so we have missed her and can't wait to see the sexy thang!
here she is at work .. well takin a break..

She also told me the coolest thing about google! apparently say you are lost.. you can text message google with where you are and where you need to go and they will text message you back directions. it's called google short message service.. you can also get names of restaurants in the area, stock quotes, weather info, movie showtimes.. dictionary definitions..
It's the absolute coolest..
thanks buddy that is going to come in very useful!
try it yourself!
here is a link to get more information about it

So I'm getting nervous about this game.. I'm glad we will at least be able to listen to it.. usually the team doc calls me when anything big happens..
I know we have it in us to beat this team.. however, they are cocky and talk a lot of shit.. I just hope the girls remain focused....
those who follow women's football and send out game predictions before each weekends games predict that Atlanta will come away with the victory.. but it will be an awesome game.
If you have a team in your area, I highly recommend checking them out.. if you are a football fan, or even just a women's sports fan.. there are teams all across the country and they do need support.. ( check out to find a team in your area) and if you are in a city where they have a good product on the field.. watching one game will hook you. trust me.. if I had to equate it to something I would say it plays just like college football. Our league uses NFL rules.. the only difference is that the ball is a little bit smaller, and was made for us specifically by Nike.
so keep your fingers crossed and as soon as I know the outcome of the game.. I will post it here.
(we are the Xplosion after all)

peace out and have a great weekend.

Friday, July 22, 2005

A letter to the red states from the blue states

Ok.. I just had to pass this on.. sent to me by my dear bro-in-law..
don't know who wrote it but it came from craigslist..
I know..I know.. I'm in a red state.. but well.. my eyes are blue.. that's gotta count for something!

Dear Red States...

We've decided we're leaving. We intend to form our own country, and
we're taking the other Blue States with us.

In case you aren't aware, that includes Hawaii, Oregon,Washington,
Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan, Illinois and all the Northeast. We
believe this split will be beneficial to the nation, and especially
to the people of the new country of New California.

To sum up briefly: You get Texas, Oklahoma and all the slave states.
We get stem cell research and the best beaches. We get Elliot
Spitzer. You get Ken Lay.

We get the Statue of Liberty. You get Dollywood.
We get Intel and Microsoft. You get WorldCom.
We get Harvard. You get Ole' Miss.
We get 85 percent of America's venture capital and entrepreneurs. You
get Alabama.
We get two-thirds of the tax revenue, you get to make the red states
pay their fair share.

Since our aggregate divorce rate is 22 percent lower than the
Christian Coalition's, we get a bunch of happy families. You get a
bunch of single moms.

Please be aware that Nuevo California will be pro-choice and
anti-war, and we're going to want all our citizens back from Iraq at
once. If you need people to fight, ask your evangelicals. They have
kids they're apparently willing to send to their deaths for no
purpose, and they don't care if you don't show pictures of their
children's caskets coming home. We do wish you success in Iraq, and
hope that the WMDs turn up, but we're not willing to spend our
resources in Bush's Quagmire.

With the Blue States in hand, we will have firm control of 80 percent
of the country's fresh water, more than 90 percent of the pineapple
and lettuce, 92 percent of the nation's fresh fruit, 95 percent of
America's quality wines (you can serve French wines at state dinners)
90 percent of all cheese, 90 percent of the high tech industry, most
of the U.S. low-sulfur coal, all living redwoods, sequoias and
condors, all the Ivy and Seven Sister schools, plus Harvard, Yale,
Stanford, Cal Tech and MIT.

With the Red States, on the other hand, you will have to cope with 88
percent of all obese Americans (and their projected health care
costs), 92 percent of all U.S. mosquitoes, nearly 100 percent of the
tornadoes, 90 percent of the hurricanes, 99 percent of all Southern
Baptists, virtually 100 percent of all televangelists, Rush Limbaugh,
Bob Jones University, Clemson and the University of Georgia.

We get Hollywood and Yosemite, thank you.

Additionally, 38 percent of those in the Red states believe Jonah was
actually swallowed by a whale, 62 percent believe life is sacred
unless we're discussing the death penalty or gun laws, 44 percent say
that evolution is only a theory, 53 percent that Saddam was involved
in 9/11 and 61 percent of you crazy b*****ds believe you are people
with higher morals then we lefties.

By the way, we're taking the good pot, too. You can have that dirt
weed they grow in Mexico.

Peace out,
Blue States

Thursday, July 21, 2005


ok we've all seen the commercial by now..
the honey bunches of oats commercial where the woman pops out from behind a wall and asks
"are you Hongry" ( and that's how she says it too.. I ain't kiddin)
then they go on to talk about the beauty that is honey bunches of oats..
a little later in the commercial she says
"it's like a mouth full of joy!~"
I confess..
I LOVE this woman.. she makes me laugh and smile every time I see this commercial.. I don't know if she's an actress or if she really works at the plant.. but I love her.. this is the second round of commercials she has been in and well I'm so happy..

this is my attempt to lighten things up around here a bit.. in addition to the "what kind of rocker are you" test cause really my IQ score was just too sad on current events...

Butter is all signed up for the first semester of law school.. man they aren't joking when they accept you.. it's like BOOM you start in 3 weeks!
My girls (and as I should note. my girls are my football team, not my breasts as someone has suggested.. otherwise the rest of this post is gonna be funny..)
are leaving at 2am for the trip to new york for the football conference championships.. I wish it was already saturday.. I can't wait to hear the game.. it's streaming live on the net so we are gonna listen to it and have a ball!
I wish I could go.. but it is not to be.. I am saving it for the championships on august 6th so they know they have to win on saturday.. I told them.. my aunt in maine is expecting me on august 7th.. so we better get there.. (you don't wanna piss off my aunt)
The georgia Equality project has started putting billboards around the state with photos of people next to phrases like "I teach your children...and I am gay" we are your neighbors....
"I protect you...and I am gay... we are your neighbors....
"I take care of you...and I am gay... we are your neighbors....
It's a bold move..for the people involved, as I'm guessing some dumb assed country bumpkin would likely off one of those people than know that they had a gay neighbor... but on the other hand I could be wrong..
I commend those people who were willing to be blown up to billboard size on the side of a highway..
I want one that says.. "I edit your commercials.. and I'm gay.. actually I would prefer it to say "and I'm a big ol queer" but I know that's too much to ask... :)
I've yet to see the actual billboards out.. but I've seen the mockup.. very cool....
and when was the last time you opened a fortune cookie and actually got a fortune?
I opened one just now and it said "smile if you like this fortune cookie"
what the hell?
I can't remember the last time I actually got a real fortune..
I must have pissed off the fortune cookie gods.. the next one I opened didn't have a fortune in it at all..
ok this one is "you can't ride in all directions at one time"
isn't that more a warning?
oh well.. I'm out of fortune cookies...
so what have we learned here..
~my brain is overwhelmed with the status of our country and I needed a break..
~I love the honey bunches of oats gal..
~I'm a chick rocker
~my girl is all signed up for school
~my girls are hitting the road ( if you pray.. say a small one that they arrive safely in NYC)
~I want a billboard
~and fortune cookies really aren't..
I think that about covers it for this evening..

I love Rock n Roll!

You Are a Chick Rocker!

You're living proof that chicks can rock
You're inspired by Joan Jett and the Donnas
And when you rock, you rock hard
(Plus, you get all the cute guy groupies you want!)

Government testing "ray gun"....... scientists concerned

did you know that the US government is testing a ray gun?
this gun called
The Active Denial System weapon, fires a 95-gigahertz microwave beam at anyone it is pointed at to cause heating and intolerable pain in less than five seconds.
it's name?
"the sheriff"
the plan is to send it to iraq next year to help deal with rioters..
in iraq?
suicide bombers maybe.. but rioters? and why in the hell are we testing it in iraq?
don't ya think maybe people hate us enough already.. now we are going to send this new special weapon to burn people if we don't like the way they are congregating?
The problem with the weapon? (well one of many really)
in tests, the people being used as "rioters" were asked to remove things like glasses, watches, necklaces, and change from their pockets, to lessen the possibility of "hot spots"
Scientists are worried that since these test were done with those stipulations, that permanent damage could occur if those factors were present..
does anyone else see the problem with this testing?
what is the likelyhood that a group of people gathered for whatever reason are going to be change free.. or not wearing any metal on their person.. what about those people who may have metal in their bodies, from pins, plates or any number of medically implanted metal..
cause don't even think for one second the plan isn't to bring that puppy back to the US to keep liberals "in line"
Who is responsible for determining if a group is rioutous? or dangerous for that matter?
Of course most people in this country won't hear anything about it cause they only watch Faux news..
But mark my word.. they will be breaking this thing out like the tazer in no time.. and none of us will be safe..

Check out the story on reuters on the msnbc web site or go to New Scientist magazine (though I don't know if the story is in their online version, it may be in the printed magazine only.. not sure..)

Just one more thing that scares me about this administration .

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

not for the faint of heart

I'm supposed to be eating dinner right now.. not gonna happen..
I just viewed the most disturbing video (though I'm sure I'll see worse at some point.. have seen lots of bad.. but this....)
A few months ago they arrested a woman.. the cat lady..
she had been volunteering at a no kill shelter for a while.. and they found a lot of cats at her house.. she had been fostering them.. unfortunately there were HUNDREDS! of them.. live cats.. dead cats.. dead cats in with live cats in crates.. dead cats on the floor.. in litter boxes.. feces everywhere..
words cannot describe how absolutely disgusting it was..
and worse.. she was living in the house..
bags of dead cats.. they were everywhere.. everywhere
I am too grossed out to eat.. I had to walk away for a little bit..
I just don't understand how someone could just live in a house filled with dead cats in varying stages of decay.. and it wasn't some ratty house either.. it was in the alpharetta area .. expensive houses.. manicured lawns..
they need to just burn that house to the ground and start over..
I can't imagine anyone wanting to live in it after this..
She's in jail.. will be for quite some time..
the rescue group's license is going to be revoked and they will be fined for not checking in on the welfare of the cats..

I just have no words for what I have just seen.. it was awful..

eenie meenie miney moe

So Mr. Queef has picked his supreme court nominee..
John Roberts..
no relation to Julia I am guessing.
this guy is Anti everything
I was listening to Mike Malloy last night and he was running down a bunch of different cases this guy has heard in his brief career..
anti abortion
anti envronment
anti the people
anti gay
anti everything..

he is for corporations he ruled on a case regarding mining companies and this case kinds showed it all.. he didn't care what the people living below had to deal with.. didn't care about the environment and did what the big boys wanted.. ( basically they were cutting off the tops of mountains to mine them.. and it caused all kinds of problem)

so it will be interesting to see what happens with this guy.. don't like him..
don't like mr. queef..
and apparently mrs queef holds no power at all in suggesting that he nominate a woman..
unless there is something mr. roberts isn't telling us..

ick.. I need a shower now.. something about anything these guys do make me feel dirty and want a shower.....

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

the giant sucking sound

Did everyone hear it??
it was on every network at 9pm...
the giant sucking sound..
or as a friend likes to put it.. mr. queef

here's to good friends

My wife called me on the phone today in tears..
happy tears.. but tears..
seems a friend that she hadn't heard from in over a year emailed her today to get together sometime soon.
She was so happy she cried..
Life is hard sometimes.. people lose touch.. people don't have time.. but I felt so bad for her when she was trying to figure out what had happened to this friendship she had since college.. she was shaken.. and I didn't know what to say other than it was probably something going on in that person's life that made it just too busy for them to deal..
turns out that was the case.. a sigh of relief..
We missed her.. we miss her..
We are glad that she is back.. digging out of that first year of teaching and able to reconnect with people..
Here's to good friends..
may time never stop you from reconnecting, even though you may think people have forgotten about you..
chances are they haven't..
I am the master of calling someone I haven't spoken to in quite some time just to say hello.. There are people in my life that I don't talk to for a couple years, but we check in.. and when we do it's like we picked up from where we left off..
I try to do better about it and sometimes I do for a while.. but they all know me and they know that they can call me and I can call them and we are still tight.. of course it ends up being a long conversation trying to catch up.. but we've gotten it down to a science.. how are the kids.. how's the hunny (SO) how's the job..
and then to the generalities..
Personally I feel better checking in, even if I haven't spoken to someone, than to wonder how someone is doing..
So, check in with someone you miss today..
you'll be glad you did

Sunday, July 17, 2005

Spin Doctors

Like the soap opera that it is.. the Karl Rove saga continues..
I've been listening to all differing opinions on the subject from different media outlest like CNN, Fox (faux) news, Air America Radio and talk radio in general ..
Of course all the talk is about partisan politics.. and how the "bad democrats" are screaming for rove's head on a platter when he has done nothing wrong.
But the fact of the matter is.. Karl Rove, through his attorneys, has admitted that he is the source of the leak in the CIA agent Judy Plame case.. let me just say that again.....HE HAS ADMITTED THAT HE WAS THE SOURCE OF THE INFORMATION. He told matt cooper it was ok for him to tell the investigating body that he was the source for matt's story ..
and now the spin begins....
Originally, GW and the white house denied that any member of their staff had anything to do with leaking her name. Then they said that if it was determined that the person worked within the white house, they would "no longer be a member of this administation".
Now they are saying that pres. Bush never said he would fire the responsible party.. Excuse me? Have any of you been watching television lately? There are video and audio clips out there from months ago that specifically state that very fact. In one instance a reporter asks pres. bush if he stands by his statement that if the leak came from someone within his administration would he fire that person. To which Bush replies "yes".
Scott Mclellan must be just chugging maalox and going through a tub of Tums this week as he tows the party line. "We can't comment on an ongoing investigation."
He must really hate having to stand up before the media these days, because they are doggin him hard.. as well they should be.

Karl Rove has admitted he was the leak, and I ask you has he not committed a crime?
is he not guilty of treason?

Article 3 section 3 of the Constitution states:

Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court.

The Congress shall have Power to declare the Punishment of Treason, but no Attainder of Treason shall work Corruption of Blood, or Forfeiture except during the Life of the Person attainted.

Valerie Plame was an undercover agent for the CIA who was investigating WMD's..
now follow me here.. If she is investigating what we claim to be the enemy (iraq) and Karl Rove identifies her to the media as a CIA operative, effectively shutting down whatever investigation she was doing.. well isn't that giving aid and comfort to the enemy? Karl Rove helped the enemy by naming an operative who was investigating them.. sounds like treason to me..

Now they are saying that and aide of Dick Cheney might possibly be the other source that they have been talking about.. so just how deep does this go?
Karl Rove runs washington.. So if the leak was Karl Rove, it may as well been GW himself..

Of course, nothing will happen with any of this, because the only ones who can bring charges against anyone for treason, is Congress, and we all know who is controlling that.
It just boils me to no end that they investigated Clinton for years on every possible front.. and finally the only thing they could get him on was a blow job. And this administration breaks the law, shows favoritism to companies they are affiliated with, LIES to the american people as to why we are going to war.. and NO ONE CAN GET ANYTHING DONE TO HAVE THEM THROWN OUT ON THEIR ASSES!
Faux news this morning was completely cracking me up about how the bad democrats jumped the gun on asking for rove's head on a platter, cause now they are saying that rove didn't actually say it, he had heard it in the media.. whatever...
Like I am believing any of the spin..
Personally I think they are all criminals and should all be tried in the Hague.
I want my country back from these war mongering criminals..
I wish someone would take them down.. I'm not saying clinton was perfect.. but billions of dollars were spent investigating this man.. to what end? well nothing basically..
So I will continue to watch the Rove situation with much interest.. and hope that others do the same.. don't just believe what they tell you.. They Lied to us before.. why wouldn't they do it again....


We played our football game last night after the torrential storms last weekend..
and we are headed to New York City! for the Eastern Conference Championships next weekend against the New York Sharks!
We had changed venues to a Catholic High school and I'll tell ya I think St. Pius or the big man upstairs was looking out for us!
We HAD to get this game played this weekend.. no matter what..we watched as the storm sat off to the left of the school for about 10 minutes.. just hovering there lightning like I can't even tell you we were scrambling trying to find out if the game had to be called for lightning.. what would happen.. but the storm held off and literally as the teams were walking across the 50 yard line to shake hands after the game the skies just opened up and man did it rain! and the lgihtning and thunder came and it was INTENSE! Seriously.. my shorts and shirt are still wet..
It was unbelievable.
The other team scored first and they SO thought they had us beat.. I mean they REALLY thought they had it.. their coach was outta control their bench was on their feet and screaming..
But in the end we came out on top 26-12.. it was a great game.. and next week's game against the Sharks should be even better.. see the only reason that we have to go to new york is because we are both undeafeated teams.. but we gave up only 3 points more than they did cumulatively throughout the season the average for both teams was only 6 points.. so they have home field advantage.. but that should tell you what an insane game it's gonna be.. so if anyone up there in new york wants to see a great game and would like to support women's full tackle football come on down! they play their games at Monsignor Farrell High School in Staten Island.
Winner of this game goes to the National Championship in Manchester, NH.. Which is gonna be a haul for whichever team is coming from the west coast.... I'm counting on us getting their so that I can take a little break and continue on from NH to maine to visit the family..
So we spent a night celebrating.. but the storms were so awful.. it was a little scary driving over to our celebration point.. but that's ok cause it was all good once we were there.. it was a little lower key than I had expected.. everyone was exhausted from all the game and rain.. so keep your fingers crossed that we make it next weekend... (and hey they stream it on the web so even if you can't make it to the game you can listen to it on the net!)
So today is a low key day.. recuperating from a big night.. and preparing for the next!

Saturday, July 16, 2005

What Buffy Character Are you?

A friend of mine sent me this quiz today when we were discussing which buffy character we might be.. I thought perhaps I was Xander-like but apparently I was wrong...

You are

"I'm rash and impulsive. It's a flaw."

What "Buffy" Character Are You?

take the quiz yourself and let me know who you are

Friday, July 15, 2005

my baby the lawyer


the call came today to welcome my baby into the 2005 class !

she's been on the waiting list for law school for the past few months and this is the call we've been waiting for

you are going to make a great family lawyer..
helping people adopt babies and estate planning and all that..
you can do it.. stick the landing!!!!!



what a week.. we finally got someone out to get the trees down in the yard.. once we have it all cut up we should have enough firewood for the next 3 or 4 years!
I am pulling double duty at work and unfortunately the person who usually takes feeds is on vacation.. so they have missed every feed I've needed this week.. which means.. tomorrow is going to suck..
The football game scheduled for last weekend was postponed, due to the weather, to this saturday.. and about 4pm this afternoon I check in only to find out that we've had a venue change.. a venue change.. 2 days before the game! can you say pushing media into overdrive.. I had just been on the phone with one of our sportscasters in the city, so I had to call her right back before she went on the air with the wrong location.. so I have been on the phone and emailing all night long to make sure it's in all the papers and on the radio and on whatever sports cast I can get it onto.
should be interesting.. I hope that people don't show up at the wrong place...
this field is turf though, so at least if it only rains again we can still play.. the potential to destroy the other field had it been played on in the condition it was in was just too great.. so while it was a little crazy.. this is a better situation, being that the threat of storms is still around..

I've got some thoughts on the whole Karl Rove controversy.. but they are going to have to wait till I have more time....
so if you love football and you are anywhere near atlanta this weekend.. I HIGHLY recommend that you come on out and see the women of the Xplosion play some ball..
this is the 3rd meeting of these two teams, and they have yet to win.. so they are out for blood.. they have been around for several years.. and had never lost a game.. till they played us.. they had also never lost a home game.. until we went to jacksonville. so they really want to beat us bad....
It should be a fabulous game..
nighty night.. I'm exhausted! and tomorrow is another day!

Monday, July 11, 2005

the tree saga continues

more trees
Originally uploaded by atlbiscuit.

well here it is 5:56 am and I am still wide awake.. the wind advisory has finally been lifted.. but not without leaving some more visitors in our yard.. yep.. all those trees I was worried about came down about an hour ago.. and though it's hard to tell cause it's still so dark, it looks like there are more coming..
not really sure what to do at this point.. gonna call our insurance company in a few hours to see what they suggest.. I don't want to do anything that will limit our neighbor's liability, but I also don't want any more of our trees damaged or destroyed..
So it has been a restless, nervous night of wind and rain.. I woke butter and we moved downstairs into the guest room, cause it just didn't feel safe upstairs.. We have a lot of trees, and generally I'm not that worried about storms... but these are all just itchin to do some damage...
So, while butter slept through most of it.. I will probably catch a little nap now that the wind has died down a bit..
Fortunately, with as many trees as have come down, none of them have damaged the house, so we are thankful for that.. but as relatively new homeowners who have never had to deal with this type of situation, we are at a loss as to what to do, since our neighbor appears to be out of town.. and for how long we don't know...
Hopefully our agent will be of some help in figuring out what to do next...
Hope everyone in the path of the storm is staying safe and dry!

Sunday, July 10, 2005


Well.. no football game last night.. thunder, lightning and lots and lots of horizontal rain postponed the game for a week...
it was unbelievable out there.. the girls on both teams were SO ready to play some ball!
So one more week to wait.. the weather continues to be awful.. we were in the middle of a tornado warning about an hour ago.... I guess we are getting some of Dennis.. which means it's only going to get worse.....
keeping our fingers crossed!

Happy birthday mom! even though you probably won't see this.. I know daddy will pass it on..
and happy birthday turtle.. hope you enjoyed my marilyn monroe-esque phone message!

Saturday, July 09, 2005


So.. here's one of the trees.. there are plenty more.. but the photo itself basically is about half the length of our house..
Long day yesterday.. started off in court.. speeding ticket that I got just after my surgery finally settled. begrudgingly pled guilty to driving in excess of the posted speed (35). The speed I was allegedly going? 39...
It was in a small speed trappy town.. they wanted to find me almost $400 and points on my license.. so I was fighting it.. you have to understand.. I had only just been given permission to drive.. was wearing this monster brace.. wasn't driving my car.. and was lost.. all adds up to someone who would have been speeding don't you think? granted if he got me coming off the interstate, I may have been doing 39, but I knew almost immediately I was lost, and turned around in a driveway.. it wasn't till after I turned around that he stopped me..
and the kicker.. He said I was speeding in a school zone.. I actually had to ask him why he stopped me cause I had no idea.. I thought maybe when I backed out of the driveway I didn't see him and cut him off or something.. but no.. I was speeding in a school zone..
Anyone who knows me knows I would NEVER speed in an area where there would be children present.. not only that.. in a posted area.. the problem was that the light that flashes to let you know that you are entering a school zone, well it wasn't working.. Fortunately I called the road engineering department the day after the ticket and was told that the light we were talking about had not been working and didn't appear to have been fixed at the time I allegedly sped through it..
So my attorney got them to drop the school zone charge.. but they wouldn't drop the speeding part (which I don't understand, cause who gets a ticket for 4 miles over the speed limit!~)
So all settled.. no points, small fine.. then off to the doctor to get all checked out and new meds..
all I can say is WOW.. the difference in how I was walking at lunch and when I got home was 500% better..
Since I had been feeling so crappy all week, I stopped off at the grocery store on the way home.. got the makings for chocolate covered strawberries, and ingredients for a special breakfast feast.. and some flowers....
I feel quite guilty a lot for being cranky when I am in pain.. we always hurt the ones we love they say, and I can get downright crabby and snappy.. and I really try hard not to but sometimes I just am.. so this was my way of saying I'm really sorry I have been an ass this week, please forgive me..
We had a couple at bedtime.. they were tasty..


we have played this team 3 times already.. and beaten them every time.. the last time on their field.. which they had never lost on before in the history of their franchise, and they had been in another league before joining ours.. so we are talking a long time..
My girls are hot.. they are on fire.. and they are tough! so I have no fear.
Championships are in New Hampshire, which would be great cause we could run up to maine and visit the family.. so that's where my head is.. we are going there cause I got to get up to see my peeps!
So keep your fingers crossed that everyone is on focus.. and no injuries..
will let you know how it goes..

Thursday, July 07, 2005

a sad day across the pond..:(

First up....We had some HELLACIOUS storms in hotlanta last night.. Atlanta motor speedway (for all you nascar fans) is pretty much destroyed.. lots of damage everywyhere.. thankfully none of the rest of the precariously perched trees from the neighbors yard came down.. whew..
Woke this morning to the news from London.. odd how something can take you back years in just a moment.. I vividly remember getting a call to turn on the tv.. and then watched in sheer horror and disbelief as another plane crashed into the towers..
I suspect many in London are going through some of the same feelings that we americans were then.. a profound grief, sadness.. and just the question... why?
My partner's cousin just returned from a 6 month stay in London, she was the first person I thought of.. thank the gods she was home.. She had been living and working there for the time.. as young people who want to see the world sometimes do I suppose.. a care package of grits, iced tea and mountain dew among other things was one of her happiest pieces of mail from her cousins.. She right enjoyed those grits I believe... A quick phone call to let her know what was going on since she's a late sleeper was my first task of the day...and then watching all the video.. some you will see.. some you will never see thankfully.... the same look of shock and horror and disbelief on the faces of those brits.. same as our Americans...

So to those who have lost someone.. or are missing someone or have someone injured in yet another awful attack on innocent people.. our condolences.. but know that you will get through it.. but will never forget...

In memory of Robert Jalbert.. lost that day 9/11 and missed by many..

I can't stand the rain.............................

against my window-ow

we woke around 6am this morning to the sounds of trees crashing in the backyard.. I mean earth shattering-wake you out of a dead sleep-scare the crap outta you loud.
I had spoken to my neighbor weeks ago about one tree that had snapped and was kinda of just hanging in some other trees.. she mentioned that she needed to have several removed..
and now she does.. definitely....out of my yard..
fortunately none of them hit the house.. but on its way down it has made some other trees tilt in a direction that is not amusing..
So afer numerous phone calls trying to reach her today to no avail.. we will hunker down and hope that this storm doesn't do any more damage..

I go to the doc tomorrow for some pain managment....which I sorely need.. any of you who have an -itis..... arthritis, bursitis.. etc.. know what I am talking about when the weather is as nasty as it is in the south at the moment..

and those old tylenol commercials where the guy pops up and says.. "after my open heart surgery.. my doctor gave me extra strength tylenol" well.. they are LYING..
I may as well be eating M&M's cause they aren't doing a darn thing!

anyway.. if you are in the path of this storm.. be safe.. it's lookin a lil nasty out there....

Tuesday, July 05, 2005


Originally uploaded by Scutter.

here ya go.. the originator of the possums reference.. thanks to scutter for the photo

Friday, July 01, 2005

God Save the Queen

Happy Fourth Of July my little possums!
I'm off for some fun..

(let's see who can guess where the possum reference comes from!)

later taters..