Sunday, June 25, 2006

ouchies and bed head

So 4 days after having a tooth pulled and some work done, I wake up in excruciating pain. my whole lower right jaw all the way around to the middle of the front of my mouth just hurts.
So I'm thinking that's not a good thing.. So the better part of the day was spent packed in ice and sleeping off and on. It is the sleeping part that was artistic.. last weekend I got a very short haircut... which makes for the best bed head ever!
Turtle.. this one is for you baybee!

Butter took this photo with my camera phone that was on the table next to the bed.. so it's not like an olympus quality camera.. but it gives you a good idea what I woke up lookin like after a nap at like 4 in the afternoon
Aw come on.. we ALL get bedhead.. so, I have no problem sharing that with everyone..
matter of fact.. send your best bedhead photo to me and I will post them along side mine ! do you have it in ya?
So, in the morning I will call the oral surgeon and hopefully get some antibiotics or figure out what is goin on. Because of all the painkillers I have taken in the past for my back, it seems it's takin more to help with the pain in the jaw.. so I'm gonna have to talk to him about that too, cause what I'm takin now isn't cuttin it..

Pride weekend was a washout.. we had a nice day yesterday in the park.. saw a girl that I went to junior high school with , who happened to be playing during pride yesterday.. she really rocked the house.. if I had to compare her to someone, she's kinda like Heart, Chrissie Hynde, or really old melissa etheridge, back before she went all commercial.. or maybe lita ford.. she's pretty cool. check her out on myspace check her out.. I like all of her stuff but "cry mercy" is one of my favorites.
We walked around the park, saw some old friends as ya tend to do at pride.. everyone kinda comes out to touch base.. we made some small purchases, mostly tshirts and things.. but they had so many vendor tents. Butter wanted a shirt from the "femenist Outlawz" but they had sold everything but small shirts and well.. they were just a lil to small for butter and her "girls" ...
so, at least the weather held for one good day.. I'm sure they lost a bunch of money.. and I feel bad for the performers who came out to play but didn't get to.
So, hopefully people will send in a donation to help defray the costs.. or hopefully they had some kind of insurance.
Hope everyone has a great week.!

Saturday, June 24, 2006

stormy stormy night....and gay pride

For anyone who was concerned about us.. no worries we are fine.
I had been planning to go to the opening ceremonies of gay pride weekend on friday night because they were going to replay Coretta Scott King's address from pride 1996, for which I was in the audience. It was a tribute to the 10th anniversary of her speech and in memory of her since her passing..
but there were weird storms in the area.. it was really windy.. and greenish grey outside .. so I called butter and we opted to wait and go today. It's a good thing we did.. apparently there was a crazy wind storm.. and the main stage was destroyed
one person was not seriously hurt.. but it was a bit nuts out there.. We are still trying to find out how behind they are today before we head out to the park for the afternoon.
so.. thanks for the emails and the calls.. we are both fine! and we are headed out to the park and then to football for the biggest game of the season!

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

the tooth fairy

I'm sittin here a little after 10pm watching anderson cooper and showin butter the clips of the week from "Days of our Lives" which included abe kickin tek's ass!
bright and early tomorrow morning I head over to the oral surgeon's office to have a tooth extracted.
I am more than a little nervous.
I've never had a tooth pulled.. this one is in bad shape.. it should have been pulled before now, but my regular dentist wanted to put a crown on it. When they described how they needed to cut out some bone and some other weird stuff in order to get the crown to stay on, I opted to just have it taken out. It's the last tooth on the lower right side.. Unfortunately because of all the pain meds I have been on for such an extended time, I can't have regular novacaine.. so I have to be put under, which I suppose is a good thing.. cause I am scared shitless. I have no desire to feel, hear or otherwise be a part of them pullin a tooth. I've had nightmares about it all week.
I've not been a big fan of the dentist since once, a long time ago with that probe kind of tool a dentist got a hole of part of my gum and didn't know it. and tore it up real good.. ever since then the dentist has been a white knuckle experience for me.
So I had all these questions about if I needed to be on antibiotics beforehand with the back surgery (I was told no) and how bad it's gonna feel afterwards.. etc..
So, keep your fingers crossed. I know it doesnt' seem like all that big a deal to have a tooth pulled but it's the little things that make me nervous as hell...
will have some lovely pictures to post of my swollen chipmunk cheek tomorrow or thursday!
peace out peeps!


I'm home.. all is ok.. though I feel like my head has been run over by a truck a couple of times. been sleeping off and on.. (about to be on..) and I am starving but can't eat anything.
talk to ya later peeps..

Sunday, June 18, 2006


after a wonderful pot roast with potatoes, carrots and mushrooms, butter mentioned something about hearing someone on television mention smores..
You know that look when your beloved reaaaaalllly wants something but they won't actually ask you for it (I like to call it puppy dog eyes)So, I sparked up the grill and smores a plenty! (ok actually we each had one..

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Marriage Is........

Thanks to Mikey for sending me this!

Sunday, June 04, 2006

Run Al......Run

That was my best Forrest Gump impersonaltion.

Today, news came out that Al Gore has said that he isn't running in 2008. He hasn't completely ruled it out.. but has "found other ways to serve" Feeling the best use of his time is educating people about Global Warming.

I have heard that so many people have left the theatres after watching Al Gore's movie about global warming called "An Inconvenient Truth" saying things like "man I wish he had been my president".
To me, Al Gore is our one true hope in more ways than one. I believe that he can set this country on the right path again, not only fiscally, and morally, but also with regard to our dependence on foreign oil. He is both a strong leader and a wonderful teacher. He has a LOT to teach us about what we are doing to mother earth. I honestly believe that we have got to do something about how we are abusing the planet.. and I think Al Gore would be a wonderful person to set us on the right path, and be able to create change from the oval office for all Americans.

Jimmy Carter started a wonderful Solar program when he was in office, it was abandoned and the solar panels that had been placed on the White House were torn down by the incoming administration. Which to me sets the tone for how Republicans feel about alternative energies. They believe they are trash, something to be thrown away.

I hope Al Gore Changes his mind. He is the Democrats strongest candidate, and more importantly he is the man with a plan to keep our country from killing the planet. and to me, that is the bigger issue. We have got to leave this earth a better place for our children and their children.
I certainly don't want to envision our nieces and nephews and grandchildren having to walk around with bubbles around their heads because the air is unfit to breathe.. but that is where we are heading.. believe it or not.. it's true..

The Hurricanes of last year are a stong indication of how things are going, and we saw what those storms did. We are in trouble people.. and Al Gore may be the one man who can help us get out of it..

I urge each of you to find out where "An Inconvenient Truth" is playing in your area and go out and see the film. It is an important film for all of us.

Friday, June 02, 2006

Hugging Ponch

This afternoon, I had to go upstairs out of my little cave of an office to get some info on a project I am working on .
As I am there talking to some of my co-workers.. two of the guys we work with come by, breathless and obviously looking for something and were about to bust with excitement.. they mumbled something in the form of a question as they were running by.. “Have you seen Erik Estrada
We sort of just looked at them like they were perhaps smoking something.. or just generally insane.. our non-answer sent them packing.. and off they went..
It was more the way they said it.. kinda like.. “have you seen bob smith?” cause you know.. you see bob smith every day.. like seeing Erik Estrada was some every day occurrence for us.
We continued our conversation about the project, and then I began to leave.. I saw one of the women I work with coming towards me, or actually more like into the area that I was walking in, so I said.. “Hello Kathy” and as I looked to her immediate left, there .. was Erik Estrada.. “and hello Erik Estrada” I continued with just a beat.. I reached my hand out to shake his as his arm was outstretched.. as I shook his hand he pulled me in for a hug.. He smelled nice.. I turned to my co-worker and said… “Hey, they were serious, Erik Estrada really is here!” and everyone began coming around to meet him and say hello.
It was a most surreal afternoon ( no surreal life pun intended!)
Nice man.. very cute.. I loved Ponch!

And they are apparently making a movie of the tv series CHiPs.. starring “Fez” from “that 70’s show ” Wilmer Valderrama.. it won’t be the same

Happy Friday everyone! Nothing says "it's the weekend" like hugging your favorite TV cop! (ok favorite male tv cop.. Sharon Gless wasn't at the office today!)