(yes, I know it was Father Dowling.. It's a play on words...)
Today those people up there in Washington who claim to represent the people are supposed to discuss the Downing Street memo.. If you haven't heard about the memo, it was written 8 months BEFORE Bush sent our men and women into an unjustified war..
A secret memo discussing a meeting that was held to talk about Iraq.
Bush wanted to remove Saddam.. No matter the cost or the lack of intelligence..
He justified the action by rallying the American people against the terrorists and how Saddam had the infamous WMD's (where are those again?)
Loosely stated, they didn't have the necessary reasons to go into Iraq so.. They made their facts fit their plan
the intelligence and facts were being fixed around the policy.
It seemed clear that Bush had made up his mind to take military action, even if the timing was not yet decided. But the case was thin. Saddam was not threatening his neighbors, and his WMD capability was less than that of Libya, North Korea or Iran. We should work up a plan for an ultimatum to Saddam to allow back in the UN weapons inspectors. This would also help with the legal justification for the use of force.
The british wanted to give saddam an ultimatum, but according to the memo, they doubted that Bush would go the ultimatum route....
The interesting thing is that since this memo has leaked NO ONE in the British Government has come out swinging claiming it is a lie, untrue, fabricated or has otherwise tried to defend the Downing street memo..
So, one would have to think that it is indeed true..
if that is the case..
He had others lie
He lied..
he sent
THOUSANDS of our men and women to their deaths for some kind of chest beating bullshit..
and he lied.
Clinton lied about a blowjob.. And they tried desperately to impeach him..
Doesn't ANYONE think that this is way more serious than that? Are people in the US just plain stupid? Do they just not care? Have they not seen the hundreds of thousands of photos of dead and maimed Americans fighting a war that was built on a LIE?
The first week of may 89 democratic senators wrote a letter to Bush asking him to explain the contents of the memo..
(insert the sound of silence and chirping birds here)15 days later his mouthpiece who had successfully dodged the question in several other daily briefings, finally commented.
Claims in a recently uncovered British memo that intelligence was Âbeing fixed to support the Iraq war as early as mid-2002 are Âflat out wrong, White House press secretary Scott McClellan said Monday.
However, McClellan also said he had not seen the Âspecific memo, only reports of what it contained.
Hasn't seen it? Unfreaking believable..
but then..
George Bush answers to no one....why should he.. He is the big man.. the cowboy.. he answers to NO ONE...period.. he just cackles his way through his day while our men and women bleed to death fighting a war that should have never happened.
Scott Mclellan has a history of not commenting on specific questions, so it's not that surprising that he wouldn't do so now.. it's a pattern.. don't wanna answer.. claim you haven't read whatever it is they are talking about..
I hope someone.. anyone finally calls this (alleged) president on all of his
Michael Moore tried.. all it got him was a load of trouble..
Apparently the Democracy of the united states has changed to a dictatorship without the people being told..
but then there is probably a secret memo about that somewhere.. we'll find out about it eventually.. when the foreign press gets ahold of it..
Of course.. if I disappear for speaking about this... someone look for me at GITMO..